Chapter 1

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As always, the cool Transylvanian wind has a pleasant effect on the warmth of the room. The breeze goes through my sun-red hair, all the way to the tips of my toes. Then it goes downstairs to the back of my mother's neck, and continues to rub his narrow hips towards my father's beard. It would go through my sister's body if she was here. But she's not here. And she never will be...

I hear my mother's shout from the ground floor, as she asks me to go downstairs and help her in the kitchen. I would always be happy to help, but almost without exception she is so stubborn that she won't let me. Unless she's sick or have too much to do.

- Would you set the table, please?

- Of course, my mother. Is Edina home yet? - Edina, my sister. Our mother sent him to the market for vegetables for tomorrow's lunch perhaps half an hour ago.

- No, but I don't understand either, I hope she's okay. She could have turned twice in that time.

- Maybe she just stopped to talk to someone. I'll go after her and bring her home.

I picked up a purple cloak from the back of the chair, where I had put it after my walk yesterday, and started after Edina. Normally I wouldn't worry as my sister is a woman on her feet and she can take care of herself. But our mother was right when she said she could have turned twice. After all, we live in a small village, and the market is about a ten-minute walk away, at an easy pace.When I arrived at the market, I went straight to the greengrocer, an old friend of the family, and asked if he had seen Edina.

- I'm looking for my sister, maybe you have already seen her. Her name is Edina Saltsman. We are about the same height, she has long brown hair and if I remember correctly she was wearing the same cape as mine, only blue.

- My child, I have seen so many people in my life. I don't think I remember such a creation.

- Are you sure? She must have been here not long ago. Maybe just a few minutes ago.

- I'm sorry, dear. But the description is really not familiar. But I'll definitely let you know when I see her.

I thanked her for the help and walked around the whole market, but I didn't see Edina anywhere. I turned back at the last seller and looked at the lines once more. She's nowhere. I was about to head home to see if we avoided each other when someone gently but firmly touched my shoulder.

- Sorry miss! - when I turned around, I saw a well-to-do man in front of me. Her brown locks were combed back, which she covered with a hat. - I'm sorry, but I overheard that you were looking for your sister.

- Yes, that's right, maybe you know something about her? I've never seen you around here before.

- I've been visiting here for a few months now and then. If I have time.

- So you might know something about my sister?

- Do you know why I travel here for several hours? - like most people, I don't like unnecessary chatter either. However, if this strange man can help me, I have to socialize with him, so I shook my head as an answer. - Because of Edina. - did he really say my sister's name or am I just imagining it?

- Edina like my sister? - my voice falls involuntarily.

- Yes. I like her... and more than likely she likes me. That's why I had to make a sacrifice.

- What kind of sacrifice do you mean?

- Please don't interrupt. - the previous helpful tone and kind facial expression disappeared in an instant, and something dark took their place. - She's never coming back here. We are already one species. - he pulled his mouth into a grin, and then something interesting flashed in him. Two canines were longer than the others. And would it be pointed?

- You make up nonsense. Maybe she's already home, and we just avoided each other. Now if you'll excuse me. - I had the will and momentum to move forward, but the man was stuck on my wrist. - What do you want? Let me go!

- Just a moment my dear. - his handsome eyes changed to something completely different, and it was impossible not to look. There was something about him... like he was attracted me to him. - Now we're going to play this conversation again, and that's all you'll remember. You will only remember what I said about your sister when you becomes like us.

- Sorry miss! - when I turned around, I saw a well-to-do man in front of me. Her brown locks were combed back, which she covered with a hat. - I'm sorry, but I overheard that you were looking for your sister.

- Yes, that's right, maybe you know something about her? I've never seen you around here before.

- I've been visiting here for a few months now and then. If I have time.

- So you might know something about my sister?- Just that I saw her walking towards the forest a few minutes ago. But in terms of your direction, they don't live towards it at all. - what could she want in the forest?

- We really don't. Thank you very much for your help sir, but I have to go now.

I didn't leave any time to answer, because I have to get home as soon as possible. Walking turned into jogging, jogging turned into running. The wind was no longer pleasant at all. In fact, it cames at me wildly with each step.Running was replaced by jogging, and jogging was replaced by walking, as I saw the house. My parents were sitting in the kitchen, and they immediately caught my eye as I rushed into the house between deep breaths.

- What's the matter, honey?

- Father, Edina was seen walking towards the forest minutes ago. I am afraid that something is wrong, because this does not indicate her at all.

- All right, sit down and relax. I take matters into my own hands.

Together with my father, they set off in the direction of the forest as a search team and searched the entire area. They were out until dawn, and my mother and I only woke up when we heard the creak of the door cord. But hope faded a few seconds later. As if it never happened. Edina's body lay lifeless in our father's arms.

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