Chapter 11

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- Good morning! - Victor woke me up with a kiss. - Are you ready?

- For what? - I asked confused.

- Get dressed. I'll take you hunting, to a beautiful place where you've probably never been. I promise you will like it. - he didn't have to say it twice, I immediately put on my clothes and we were already outside in the fresh morning air. We walked for about half an hour before we reached a clearing. We ate our breakfast quickly. This time I chose a squirrel, since I am already a complete deer vegetarian.So when Victor finished, we continued our journey, which I had no idea where it was going. Now we only walked for a few minutes to reach our destination. I couldn't believe the sight that unfolded before my eyes. It was a lavender field. In some places there were small bushes and fragrant, colorful trees, thus increasing the beauty of the landscape.

- How did you find this place? - I asked Victor, who rested his arm on my shoulder.

- I was passing through here once, I came back after my trip and in the past few days. I thought I would bring you here too. - while he led me down to one of the flowering trees. A canvas, a few brushes and a lot of colors were waiting at the there. Every word wanted to burst out of me at the same time, with which I could write down what I was feeling.

- I thought you would like to paint what you see. What do you think?

- This... this... I don't even know how to express my admiration. It's all unbelievable, but it's very real. Beautiful...//We spent the whole day in the lavender field. After a few hard hours, I could even brag about a new masterpiece, which I will put in a clearly visible place when we get home. In the painting, a purple field spread out with birds and butterflies chasing each other in the air.

- Beautiful. - said Victor when he could see the picture in full reality. - Just like you.

- You can't complain about your beauty either. - I love it when you compliment me. That's when I know I'm important and valuable to him. We sat for a bit longer, waited for the sunset (which, by the way, was stunning) and then headed to Victor's house. The landscape just glided past us as if the whole thing were a drawing that would be dragged past you very quickly.

- Victor, this whole day... I had a great time with you. Thanks for taking me there. - I gave him a soft kiss. - Everything is perfect. - then I kissed him again. He grabbed my waist and pushed the front door. Even that is perfect. Everything is perfect.

- Excuse me. - I got scared and turned my head towards the sound. A medium-height, thin, blonde was waiting in the middle of the living room.

- I was already afraid that you wouldn't even come home. - the strange girl's voice was more questioning than threatening. My intuition is usually correct, so I consider it possible that these two know each other. What's certain is that I don't know what's going on here, but I'm terribly curious.

- We haven't met in person yet. - the girl turned to me - I'm Lexi Helmann and I'm glad to finally meet you. - he held out his hand. I hesitated since it was a foreigner, but no one had ever died from a double take. Right?

- What are you doing here anyway? - asked Victor, clearly with the intention to finally get his filter out after a few minutes of concise and to the point chat.

- Don't be rude Castro. Anyway, I'm not here because of you, I'm here because of her. - Lexi focused her attention on me again and her already suspicious, annoyingly smooth face. - We have to talk. Just in case you're curious. - I'm actually interested in what a stranger vampire might say to me, especially since he knows me. But I couldn't answer. Victor overtook me.

- No! You won't talk to her!

- But I'm curious. - Victor slowly looked at me. He looked troubled and vulnerable. The last time I saw him like this was at Christmas, when he tried to apologize to me years ago.

- What did you say?

- I want to talk to her. It makes me curious that she knows something she wants to tell me.

- Clary don't! She would just confuse you with every single word, it's completely unnecessary. She is a manipulator, not to be trusted...

- I'm sorry, but I feel like I have to know. - I went over to the part of the living room where Lexi was standing and I looked at her questioningly.

- Thank you for listening! What I'm about to say could ruin everything. All the imagination and knowledge you possess. But I think you should definitely know. - I indicated with a head nod that he should continue. - Victor impregnated your sister when she was still a human. - do you know how it feels when the world you see slowly fades away? It's like they put a muffler on everything around you. I hear muffled voices beside me. It's like they're arguing... or accosting me. But no matter how much I want to hear them, I can't. How could I believe a vampire I've known for five minutes? How could I believe a vampire who lied to me and then killed me?Little by little, everything is starting to return to normal. The sounds are almost sharp. My vision is almost completely clear.

- This is true? - a tear ran down my face.

- Y... - Lexi would have started.

- I asked Victor, not you. -

- It's complicated... - I'm angry and desperate. True. Lexi was right. I'm angry, I'm very angry, I don't need excuses.

- Then explain!

- Let's sit down, this...

- I don't want to hear another lie! I don't need your excuses Victor, I just want to hear the truth! Tell me, why did you have to lie to me again?

- If I told you, I would have lost you... I wouldn't have gotten a chance from you to prove that we are really good together.

- Oh It's already different! What do you think will happen now? Maybe you think you won't lose? You thuoght that we will we overcome this, as if everything is normal and live happily ever after? This was already in question when you fell in love with me and killed me. But this... you backstabbed me again! - I completely lost control. Words and my feelings suppress rational thinking, my mouth no longer communicates with my thoughts, it just talks and talks.

- This was before I even got to know you.

- Victor, it doesn't matter! You have told me a series of lies over the past few years. It's okay, you didn't know me, you couldn't tell me what you really are. At least while I was human. But then what happened happened. We weren't good, didn't you think you could really tell then? Wouldn't it have mattered?

- Clary, I've loved you since I saw you. I always will, but you know that. I hope that one day you will love me as I love you and then it won't matter anymore.

- But I will never love you like that! - the air is frozen. Somewhere deep inside, I thought Victor knew this too. - You killed me.

- This cannot be your excuse! Finally give me a normal answer Clary! Why are we back together if what I did was so bad?

- I lost trust! And you can't just get it back. Then when your hand pushed me under the water, my trust for you died with me. And I don't think anyone would have reacted differently. Why are we together? Because I, a fool, thought that you did a terrible thing, but you deserve another chance. I thought I could love you. Because it's worth it. But I was very wrong.One moment I'm still yelling at Victor, the next I'm falling through Sam's door. The darkness follows me all the way and doesn't really want to leave.

- Sam! - I yelled. He didn't need a second, he was right there in front of me. I fell into his arms, where I always felt safe. Where no one and nothing can hurt me.

- Clary! What happened? - the words and emotions overwhelm me again. The darkness, although minimal, limits my senses again. I can't even hear what I'm saying properly. I was also a bit nauseous.

- Victor... Vi... Victor and I hunted in the morning. A-and then he took me to a beautiful place, a really beautiful place. Then we went to his place. There was Lexi... Lexi... she's a vampire. She helped... She helped me not to cling to a false hope.

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