Chapter 7

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New Year special edition

I originally planned a low-key New Year's Eve with some wine and board games. But as time went by, I recognized Sam, who would rather die than have a normal New Year's Eve.

- Let the party begin, Clary! - Sam just came into the living room, but he went straight to the kitchen. - I hope the bloody champagne will do, as I won't accept any other answer. - well it seems I have no choice as Sam returns in half a minute with two huge glasses of champagne.

- You didn't exaggerate. - my comment was cynical in tone, but instead of taking the card, Sam spoke back.

- This is just the beginning, as soon as this runs out I will bring the next one.

It's all starting to get a little blurry. I feel dizzy, but it's not like when you're sick, it's more like a feeling of freedom and happiness. I didn't think two glasses of bloody champagne could knock out a vampire like that.And what if an immortal gets drunk? In his stupor, does they destroy the whole world?

- Happy New Year!

- Hmm, you too Sam. Can I go to sleep now?

- I can't hold you back, can I, Grandma? - I threw my hair back with feigned offense and started upstairs.

- Grandma? - in the middle of the big play, my legs could have gotten into a fight with each other, because I managed to trip over them and land with a loud thump.

- Wait Clary, I'll go up with you. In the end, you'll break your neck, and although you won't die, when you come to you'll be in a lot of pain. - and I really leaned on Sam like a grandmother. We successfully got upstairs and it didn't seem like such a challenge to reach the room anymore. Sam carried me to the bed, then he fell back on it.

- Would you stay here with me? - I turned my head towards him.

- If you want, of course. - strange. Something strange, even downright strange. I look back on what has happened since I came here, and I don't understand how we have become so good in such a short time. Yet what made us bind ourselves with an invisible spiritual bond? Did we do it just so we would never be lonely? Or because there is more between us than I thought?

His face was getting closer to me. It wasn't unpleasant, there was no bad tension in the air. I can't explain it, but it feels good to be so close to me. From close it became dangerously close, until finally nothing. The pleasant taste of champagne and blood was still on his lips, but it didn't bother him at all, and interestingly enough, it made the kiss even better.

- Clary... - he just leaned away from my lips a little.

- Um?

- We're drunk, you might hate me for this tomorrow.

- Let me decide that.

- You say this now, but tomorrow you will have a different opinion. I can't stand it...

- I don't care. - now I kissed him. I took off his top, so his upper body was exposed in front of me. He also took mine off me and kissed me again.

There is hardly any light, but what does filter through hurts my eyes quite a bit. I was thinking about what happened last night, that is, what happened this morning. I slept with Sam, my best friend, my soulmate. All this while drunk. How does this affect our relationship? What it means?

- Good morning. - Sam's voice in the morning is... what can I say...exciting. It's a whole octave deeper, even a bit hoarse. - What are you thinking? If last night I...

- You don't have to say anything. I feel wonderful.

- I'm happy for this, because I am too. - he smiled. This is the first time I see this kind of smile, this kind of happiness. I thought about it and decided that it would be better to tear off the adhesive tape first.

- What is it between us now?

- Well, it just depends on what we want. I love you as a friend, as a person, as a partner. But if you don't think so, don't feel like you can't say it.

- I feel the same way. I was just confused. For example, what if one of us no longer wants this relationship? Then we can't be each other's parabatai.

- Clary, being your parabatai means that I stand by you in anything. If one of us decides to return to the friend zone, the other will support it, since this is the essence of the oath; you would be their partner, his friend, his sorrow, his joy. Plus, we are mature and will be able to communicate in a cultured way.

- And...and what if one of us irrevocably falls in love with the other? - Sam suddenly looks everywhere but not to me. Doesn't it just mean he already feels that way?

- Clary, I have something to tell you. - his face turned serious. It was more serious than when he looked eyes with Victor. - There was a vampire a long time ago. We got to know each other, we spent more and more time together. Camille once said that she had to travel somewhere far away because of her uncle, who was bedridden due to illness. It's been eighty years since she left, but she hasn't come back since. I really loved her. Sorry if I offended you, but I think you should have known. - I don't even know how to react to this. I couldn't believe that such a kind, devoted and proper guy had not already found someone for himself under one hundred and eighty. Besides, I'm not going to fall in love with Sam... - Clary, I'm happy with you. Please say something.

- I'm happy with you too. I didn't think you were a nun all these years, and after all, Victor was there for me too. I'll get involved with you in this thing between us if you want too. We'll see where it takes us.

- You make me happy, and you don't even know how much. - I just smiled and kissed him. - Do you want to hunt in the forest?

- Of course, why not. - we got our clothes on, and after a few minutes I was listening in the forest after my breakfast. Interesting... Sam was right. He said that I would hear more things much more intensely, but still... better than I imagined. The noise is much greater here. I hear the little bugs crawling in the hay, the squirrel climbing a tree, and then the pounding of the deer's hooves. My eyes immediately pop out, and my feet quickly take me in the direction of the food. It's very difficult, but I restrained myself in order to keep the deer alive. This meant that it didn't have enough blood to satisfy my hunger, so I continued listening. It wasn't long before I heard the squealing of a wild boar. There was no question, I ran after it. But as soon as the animal noticed, it immediately started to run away. It's escape proved unsuccessful; I knocked it down and dug into it with my sharp canines.As soon as I was done, I walked away from the squirrel, and it quickly ran away. Sam finished as well, so we headed back to the house. But there was an envelope on the doorstep addressed to me; Clary Saltsman.

- I didn't know that the postman comes here. - I tried to hide the momentary panic that just hit me. No one but Victor and Sam knows I'm alive.

- It's a good joke, but you know he doesn't. I would have eaten him a long time ago. - he bent down to pick up the envelope - Come on, let's go inside quickly. - by the time my foot crossed the threshold, Sam had already drawn the curtains.

- Don't you think that's a bit excessive?

- Someone who probably isn't Victor Castro knows you're alive. And also where. You could even be in danger, so I think the least I can do is draw the curtains. Better open it, I'm curious what's inside. - I carefully opened the envelope, took out the letter and started reading.

Dear Clary,
Unfortunately, I can't tell you who I am, but you have to believe that you have nothing to worry about. I don't want to hurt you or your friend. I'm sorry things turned out this way, I know what kind of plans you had for the big life.I hope you had a nice holiday and that you have a wonderful life with someone despite what happened. I will always watch over you in the shadows, like the guardian angel the priest tells about at Sunday mass.It doesn't matter if you believe me, but I wrote these lines with love.
Maybe we can meet one day. I hope at least.

- Do you have any idea who this could be? It's like you should know them from somewhere. We just don't describe to a random person that I wrote the letter with love. Or not?

- You're right, but I have no idea who could have written it.

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