Chapter 2

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You must be familiar with that caustic, even burning sensation in your stomach, chest, or your entire body. What starts from a tiny point inside, grows into a huge ball, then bursts out and spreads throughout your body.
My sister has been lying under the cold, dirty ground for a week. On the first day I was there over her, just in case it wasn't true, just in case she wasn't dead after all. Just in case she wakes up.

A person can improve a lot in half a year if they wants to. I wanted to. Why? So that I don't have to give in to the gnawing pain every day. So that I don't have to go into her room every day and wait for her to come home. So that I don't wait for what can't happen.

Many wounds can heal in a year if you take care of them. I dealt with it. The pain has decreased. It's just a dumpling. Sometimes, very rarely, I just let it come to fruition. I only go into her room once or twice in a few months and admire the ceiling. But I don't wait for her to come back. I know she can't. I know if she could, she would be here by my side a long time ago.

It's been a year and four months since we lost her. It cannot be denied, the whole house was in mourning. But together we managed to accept what happened to some extent. The soft, pleasant breeze slowly crept back into the house and passed through it again. In time, the breeze also blew a young man, Victor Castro, to my side. His parents died, so he was able to help process the grief. Of course, the two are not the same, but the point remains the same. I feel liberated with him, there is no pressure on me.
I will be 18 tomorrow and Victor has a surprise for me, but he won't tell for the world what it is. I know why he does while it is a surprise... but I'm so curious.
With such thoughts, I closed my eyes and plunged into the realm of dreams so that I could wake up the next morning.

The sunlight softly crept through the room's window and filled it with light, its dreamy golden color. I tucked my blouse into my skirt in front of the mirror, on which different shades of blue and black played with each other. I dipped my hand in the water and quickly splashed it on my face, then let it dry. I braided my hair so that when I take it out in the afternoon it will be nice and wavy, as I like to wear it that way.

Standing at the turn of the stairs, my parents' conversation filtered through, and although I don't usually listen, something caught my ear.- I don't know... Is it a good idea to let her go alone with him? After all, they haven't known each other that long.- Victor is a good young man and he likes Clary. I'm sure there won't be anything wrong in the world, but if will be, he does protect her.- But they haven't known each other that long Harold...- Dixy... Do you remember when I met you?- Naturally. Twenty years in April.- Yes, and I already asked for your hand in September, and you said yes. You were so happy that I thought when you hugged me that you were going to squeeze the oxygen out of me.- I still have a bad feeling...

- Good morning. - I didn't like to interrupt my mother, but there's no point in them getting into a fight. - Everything is alright?

- Nothing could be better than this, darling. - I know when dad is lying. He's doing just that now. If I didn't know what was being discussed, I would think there was something very wrong. - When is your suitor coming for you?

- Victor said late in the afternoon, an hour or two before sunset.

The conversation included almost everyday topics. How did I sleep, what book am I reading, what I wear everyday...For lunch, my mother baked pancakes, which is a big deal here. We are not rich, so we cannot often afford it, as the prices for flour and eggs are quite high even in the market.

We put the conversation on hold while we ate the whipped cream pancakes, which, by the way, were simply heavenly. After lunch, dad went outside to continue building the garden shed, and I helped wash dishes and pack away inside. For the rest of the time, I crouched at the table and read my current book. Suddenly, my mother's voice interrupts the main character's monologue about the poor man's fate.

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