Chapter 15

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I glided quietly through the trees.The time that I spent with Rafael is a lot, yet it seems so little. Even now I can't understand what is happening between us. Our relationship is perfect, and that's what I'm afraid of. What if it's too perfect? Is there even such a thing? I couldn't make up any other questions and answers as I got to Sam's house. I didn't see any light coming out anywhere, so I opened the door as quietly as possible and went inside. In that holy minute, light spread over the living room where Sam was standing next to the couch.- Thank God you are well! - I couldn't understand what was happening all of a sudden. Sam ran to me and hugged me tightly. I wanted to return the hug, but I remembered our last conversation. Now he says he's sorry for what happened, but I gently but firmly pushed him away from me. And he stared at me in surprise. - What's wrong? - he looked into my eyes with his beautiful yet confused eyes.

- Sam, you can't pretend that everything is fine. No matter how much I love you, I cannot forget what happened from one moment to the next.

- What are you talking about Clary? Oh, that's why you're so disturbed. Once again, please don't be angry with me. Sometimes this happens to everyone. - instead of an answer, I studied my shoes and the floor, waiting for my body to move. But it let me down... do you understand? My own body is unable to move and save me from an embarrassing situation. - That's not the only problem, right? - Sam's voice softened. I finally regained control and dodged Sam before heading to my room. I didn't realize how bad of an idea that was. Only when it was too late... Unfortunately for me, Sam followed me and before I could slam the door, Sam stopped me with his hand. I was standing next to the bed. Sam looked at the wooden floor that I soaked with my crimson blood not so long ago.

- Clary... what is this? - Sam asked. My body failed me again, so I continued to stare rigidly at the floor. I couldn't even look at him when I answered.

- I bled myself out after our fight. I didn't have time to clean up...

- That should be the least of your worries. Why did you do it?

- Because it wasn't easy. You spoke to me as if you were superior to me. After all, it was said just now that this kind of thing happens to everyone! Neither did I, and you didn't let me explain!

- Then tell me now, please. Why was your smell at the deer if you weren't even there?

- I didn't say a word that I wasn't there. I was there, but the deer was not my victim.

- Were you with Victor? - Sam raised his voice.

- Jesus Sam, no! What do you think...

- She was with me. - the deep voice filled the room like music. I heard the owner of the voice jump off the ledge and then step next to me. And he put his hands on my waist.

- Rafael Santiago. Nice to meet you. - then extended his hand to Sam.

- Sam Trobador. I think so. But how do you know each other? - this question is a bit awkward. There's nothing to be ashamed of, just the guilt that I haven't told Sam yet. It would have been so nice to sit down and talk over a glass of blood.

- We love each other.

- Sorry, what? - Sam asked incredulously.

- We met not so long ago. As for the deer, I tore it apart. You smelled Clary because her smell is more intense. Then we will meet for the first time. The bond was formed from the first moment, and we have been together ever since.

Rafael Santiago

When I was a newborn vampire I was simply out of control. I killed half the inhabitants of my hometown and almost the entire town was destroyed, but thanks to a vampire named Lexy, the latter could not happen. She took me far away from the city, from my memories, from everything that was familiar to me. She created a completely new life for me, which I haven't been able to fully appreciate since. The vampire who transformed me was absorbed. I'm not sure I recognize him anymore, but I do remember one thing about him. To what he said before he left:One day someone will try to kill you, and there is nothing you can do about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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