Chapter 8

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- Tell me Clary, is this heaven or hell? - Victor asked, sitting up on the bed. The soft rays of the sun covered the elegantly furnished room in golden light.

- Why do you ask that? Maybe you're not happy with me?

- But yes, I'm terribly happy. Something just tells me... I'm afraid you don't feel the same way.- his green eyes keep my gaze on him like a slave, unable to tear myself away from him.

- Stop being silly. - I took his face in my hand and planted a soft kiss on his lips. It wouldn't have been more than a kiss, but Victor thought otherwise. He blew kisses on my neck, which made me feel incredible. I've never been to paradise, but I think it might feel like this.

My eyes popped out in an instant.

- It can not be! Jesus, this can't be! - I have to breathe hard to control my body. I can't even fathom how I could have imagined, how I could have dreamed such a thing. I mean... I don't think...

- What is it my darling? - both my body and my stomach convulsed when I associated the sound with its owner, who, by the way, is sitting on my right side.

- You can't be here. It's a dream within a dream. - I pinched myself. Nothing. Victor is still here.

- Oh, you really do. I know you enjoyed this little dream. - damn it. I haven't connected the threads yet. - You know, it's one of my favorite abilities. Technically, it's like the vampire persuasion that you can use on people. The twist is that if a vampire is sleeping, let's say, you can worm your way into their consciousness. And believe me, even if you tell me you don't love me, the dream doesn't prove it. - this is very confusing. What would this imagining prove anything? - Before you ask, if you didn't want this image in your head, you would have stopped it. We can only dream those dreams that we allow.

- I'm still new, I'm not able of such a thing! No one has said this before.

- It doesn't depend on whether you are new or not. It's instinct. As in hunting. Anyway, I'm not surprised that Trobador didn't tell this. He probably doesn't trust you enough to tell you facts about our species, but he sure does trust you enough to have sex with you. - my eyes widened. That's more than a lot. He comes here, shows me dreams, treats me and Sam condescending... unbelievable!

- Go away Victor!

- I'm leaving, but before that, one more thing. - he took a dramatic break. - From me, you are with whoever you want to be with, whether with this boy or not. But I'm begging you, this - in his hand hung the necklace with the heart pendant that I got from her for my birthday. I didn't even notice it wasn't there. I must have left it when I escaped from his place. - keep it. I'm seriously asking you for this one!

- Victor, you know very well that I will not wear it.

- I didn't even ask you to. I just said keep it. From me, it can be at the bottom of the drawer, or under your clothes, behind the closet. Just keep it! - what does he want with this again? He asks me as if our lives depended on it.

- Why is this so important to you? - he thought for a moment about what answer to give.

- Because I love you and because last time I saw a vampire in front of the house. He put something in front of your door, but before I could catch up I lost track of their. According to ancient vampire and witch legends, this necklace gives its owner protection.

- It's ridiculous that you believe in that. - I held out my hand so that he could give it to me.

- I don't claim to believe. But if it's true, you'd better have it with you. - he walked towards the window, opened it and before he could leave he said - I believe that one day a miracle will happen. - I'm just sitting in bed. I don't know what to do with this situation. Every word hurt. Some because they were true, and some because I didn't want them to be true. I stare at the jewelry for a few minutes. The memories want to make their way, but I don't need them right now, so I slip the necklace into the nightstand drawer and head downstairs.

- Good morning. - no answer came, even though I was quite loud. Sam was lying on the couch, falling asleep... but sweet. I went to the kitchen and filled two mugs with blood, to see if the smell of blood was a more effective wake-up call than a gentle caress. - Get up, the sun is shining on your belly. - no reaction. I put the blood under his nose just in case. But he didn't get up. Panic is spreading through my body faster and faster. He couldn't die, could he? Then Sam woke up as suddenly as if he had been awakened by a nightmare.

- Jesus, Sam, I'm so scared! What the hell happened to you? If it was a bad joke, you'll be regret!

- They knocked, I opened the door and at that moment my neck was broken.

- Victor was here...

- I knew it! I shouldn't have opened the door.

- He would have found a way to get in even then, believe me. It's not your fault.

- You're right. But at least he carried me to the sofa, what a good mate. You didn't have any trouble, did you?

- No, he didn't hurt me. He wanted to give something. By the way, he mentioned that he saw when that person put the letter in front of our door. - I give him his breakfast.

- Thanks. Do you think Victor was telling the truth? How do you know that he doesn't... - I interrupted, so he couldn't finish the sentence.

- He wouldn't lie to me. I mean, he did break into our house and hurt you, but not me. There's no reason to lie.

- Why are you so sure about this Clary? - Sam sighed.

- I do not know. I just feel that way.

- Just don't make it any other way.

About two or three hours passed. I thought a lot, wondered why Victor staged a scene, why he got into my head. But despite a lot of brainstorming, I couldn't come up with anything. Nothing makes sense.

- Sam, I'm leaving, but I'll hurry home as fast as I can. - Sam just looks at me in amazement.

- Where?

- I'll tell you later, but for now, please trust me. - Sam albeit hesitating, but he let me go and made me understand that if I didn't get home before midnight, he would go and find me. He's handsome when he worries about me.I went to my closet hoping for a warmer top. When I reached into the drawer, my eyes caught the necklace. I suddenly got it from a thought, but I don't understand why. What Victor said this morning completely confused me.It didn't take long before I knocked on the dark oak door. Almost at that second it opened and we stood facing each other.

- Clary! Hi, I... - I embarrassed him. Correct. At least he feel what I felt in the morning.

- Hi.

- Just come in. - so I did. - I didn't think we'd see each other today again. Especially not that you come to me.

- You said you saw someone at our place.

- It was a vampire.

- How do you know?

- If you've been a vampire for a long time, you know after a while. And it helped a little that it was fast. Very fast. As I mentioned, so much that I was able to catch up. - after a short break - You are wearing the necklace. - now I feel like a total idiot. What if he only said that it protects me, to wear it and possibly hurt Sam or me with it, or to satisfy his ego?

- I don't understand why either. - I couldn't think of a better answer at the moment. - What you said was very convincing.

- Oh really?

- Let's say. - and here I had no idea that something very strange was about to begin. He came closer. Even closer.

- I convinced you with the magical necklace, but not with my unique person? - at that point I could no longer step back. Because my foot hit the couch.

- Victor... - then his hand was already on my waist. It's like our first kiss. His hand was still soft on my waist. The feeling is the same; like when fallen flower petals are picked up by the wind and blown around. I felt that there was no going back from here. It never was.

- Yes?

- I didn't say a word that I wasn't convinced of your identity...

- So what exactly did you say? - I suddenly kissed him. Victor reciprocated in an instant as the shock wore off.

- Not that I'm against it, but...

- Ssss... - we kissed each other again. Nothing and no one could stop me from doing what I did.

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