Chapter 13

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- Rafael, please tell me that this is reality. - I said while I was still hugging the man in the gently rippling, cool water of the lake.

- This is reality Clary. - his hand was still resting on my waist. It was a relaxing feeling, not that I felt tense.. .in fact, it calms me down.

- You know, I've had a very bad week. But now I finally feel happy. - I still don't fully understand what's going on, what this whole bonding thing is. But he seems to be pushing me to reveal myself completely to the unknown vampire.

- Oh I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it? - despite my doubts, I started my story. The words poured out of me like water. I told Rafael everything from the beginning until today.He already knows how Edina disappeared, how I became a vampire, what kind of relationship I had with Victor. Compared to how screwed up my whole life as a vampire had been, he took what he heard surprisingly well. He didn't judge me, he didn't have a disapproving look or a mocking smile, which was very nice.

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