Chapter 14

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Clary Saltsman
I slowly pulled away from Rafael's wrist. The place where my canines had been was started to regenerate almost immediately, and after a few seconds nothing was visible on the man's wrist.
It was all...dazzling.

- You see? - Rafael's voice was a little weak. - You managed to stop, you can control your appetite. I've never seen a vampire as strong as you. And I have met a lot of vampires in my life.

- Yes, I really did. But don't overdo it.

- No, believe me, I'm not exaggerating. - I looked up at him and thought I could see a small smile on his face. - I hope you feel better - I smiled too. Being a young vampire, I know that this was not just to quench my thirst. I know that drinking from your love generates intoxicating sensations in both your body and soulmate because of the bond. I also know that Rafael knows. Do he knows that I know?

- Definitely. Thank you.

- I better. - he added almost inaudibly.

- Our evening won't end like that, will it? I mean, we could do something else. - I asked, looking into Rafael's bright gray eyes. In response, he only pulled his mouth into a mischievous smile, then he grabbed my hand and slipped through the forest with me. The landscape around us was fast, until the man slowed down. We were still in the forest, in front of a small house fit for a book.

- Do you live here? - I asked.

- Yes, for many decades. - the exterior of the house was beautiful. The walls were made of thousands of bricks, and here and there ivy grew over them. Before long, I was able to admire the house from the inside, which evoked the same feeling from the outside as it did from the outside. The fire crackled in the stove, and its orange light illuminating the living room. The wall was decorated with different paintings by different artists, and a glass chandelier hung from the ceiling. There were a lot of small ornaments and souvenirs in the locality, many of which must have had ideological value for Rafael. Rafael led me around the house. All rooms (living room, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom) were furnished uniformly and tastefully. Different colors of gray and brown dominated, which was especially suitable for a forest hut.
- You know Clary, you are very important to me. - Rafael said, breaking the silence (which wasn't awkward at all). - I never want to loose you. - I have a bit of a feeling of deja vu... Victor also started a similar thing on the day of my death... I quickly pushed these thoughts away, as it is completely different now. This vampire here is not Victor, he loves me, and that love is mutual! I can't let my past haunt me...

- Just like you, I don't want to lose you too.

- I don't want to rush you and I just want you to know that I love you.

//- Tell me about yourself. - I asked the vampire lying next to me.

- Fine, but on one condition. - Rafael indicated that he was interested in the matter, so I continued. - You also answer some of my questions.

- Okay, so how did you become a vampire? - Rafael doesn't hesitate. He obviously meant no harm, he couldn't have known that a part of my love life is also connected to my rebirth. I sighed heavily and started the story. I told him about Edina, her death, and then about Victor (but I didn't mention his name, because I think it's likely that he knows him and wants to take revenge). I told him about our relationship and finally about the drowning water. Rafael agreed with me in everything and he was empathetic towards me.

- Who was the one who did this to you? - seriously, Rafael should play the lottery, he is so good at asking about the most unpleasant things.

- I'm sure you've heard of my creator. He's quite... famous in our kind. My creator is Victor Castro.

- Rafael's eyes widened. Why is this always the reaction? Maybe because such a "big" vampire has something to do with an average bloodsucker like me? Maybe because we had an affair for a long time?

- Is Victor Castro your creator?

- Yes. He bit me so that he wouldn't lose me and we could be together. But none of them worked out for him.

- I'm sorry I couldn't be your creator.

- Don't be sorry. If it were you, it is not certain that we would be here now. Together. Forever.

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