Chapter 6

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Christmas special edition

It's the first of December. It's been two months since I became a vampire. Victor kept his word and I haven't seen or heard from him since the hunt.

- Jesus Sam, why do we need wood at this time? - I asked, although when I think about it, I really like the idea that I will be able to watch our christmas tree throughout December.

- The sooner the better. - Sam is multifunctional; he talks while putting the wood in the sole. - This way we will be able to look at it for much longer, I personally like to decorate the tree much sooner. Sometimes I cut one already in November, but just so I don't look like a pshychopath, this time I waited until December. If you think we can decorate it now, but we can also wait with it, what do you think?

- First of all, you did well to wait until today with the tree. And when it's here, we can decorate it.

- Then go for it. - Sam pointed to the boxes in the corner of the room. I'll clarify. Box for mountains and even empires.

- Wow! Where did you get all this stuff?

- Most of them are inherited, but there are also some fair pieces. Feel free to choose.Within a few hours, the tree was standing in all its glory. It was decorated with a thousand different decorations, such as reindeer, snowflakes and candy. And the star was decorated at the top.

- I would like to note that the Christmas tree in this house has never been as beautiful as it is now. - Sam is absolutely on Christmas fever, and even though I'm not that high, I wouldn't crush his enthusiasm for the world.

- Merry Christmas! - Sam roared into my room, I thought the door was going to come off. - Come down, we're celebrating today. - he winked at me. He held my hand and we walked down to the living room, which received some Christmas decorations yesterday. He pressed a tiny glass into my hand, which had a pungent smell.

- Huh, what is this?

- Cognac. Give it a shot! - after toasting, I quickly sipped the contents of the glass. - Now for the encore. - he pointed to the table, where two more glasses of A+ blood were waiting for us. I'm not saying that the cognac wasn't good, but the blood... took it by a long shot. The familiar sweet caramel flavor slowly flowed down my throat, and I acknowledged it with satisfaction when it came down. The intoxication was interrupted by a knock.

- Are we expecting someone? - I asked suspiciously, but Sam's expression reflected the same confusion I felt. Sam shook his head gloomily and ordered me to go to the kitchen. He and his gloomy face went to open the door, and I decided to wipe the clean glasses when I was already in the kitchen.One of the perks of being a vampire is that you get super hearing, so I heard exactly what was going on at the entrance.
''I just want to talk with her.''''Listen, I don't know what you can't understand about the fact that she doesn't wants to see you. Keep doing what you've been doing and stay away from her. And now maybe it's better if you leave.''I didn't want to hear it. What made him come here anyway? At that moment, one of the glasses I was holding slipped from my hand and shattered on the floor with a loud crash. In less than half a second, I heard two pairs of feet running into the kitchen.

- Are you okay? - Sam asked with a worried look.

- Yes, of course, no problem, it just fell out of my hand. - I quickly picked up the shards before anyone could do anything. - What are you doing here? - I aimed the question at Victor without looking at him.

- I want to talk to you, Clary.

- But I don't want to talk to you. - I said coldly.

- You can't even imagine how I feel. I love you, you know that very well. I would prove it, but you keep pushing me away! - his voice is loud, but he made sure not to shout accidentally.

- Oh yeah? Then, what should I do?! - I shouted too.

- Clary, try to feel my situation just once! Think if everything had happened the other way around, and I would always push you away! If I didn't let you say whatever you wanted, if I didn't even give you a chance and made out with a stranger just because he smiled kindly at me. How would you feel? If you knew you could screw it all up because I hated you for life? How can you not be happy with me but with someone else? How would you feel? - Victor's eyes sparkled in the light. He must have taken a lot of self-control for him not to cry during his monologue. I'd even be interested if what happened hadn't happened.

- You promised to leave me alone and we will never meet again.

- Clary... I can't keep my promise to you.

- Why not?

- You know very well why! I love you, so I'll ask you one more time: how would you feel? - the worst part is that he is right. If everything were the other way around, I would feel terribly screwed. I would think that nobody needs me, that everything doesn't matter anymore... But it's not the other way around! And that's exactly why I'm not going to give Victor the answer he wants to hear.

- We are not in each other's shoes. I didn't turn you into what you didn't want to be, and I'm not the one who constantly harasses you. That's it. Well like Sam said, you better go now.

- Well then, Merry Christmas Clary.- And he left, who knows, maybe forever. Or at least for a couple of decades. I didn't even notice that while we were arguing, Sam left us alone in the kitchen. So now I stood alone until Sam came back to me.

- I'm sorry. - I said. I don't even know exactly why I'm apologizing; because I broke a glass, or because Victor, who is his enemy, came to his house, or because of the scene...

- I'm not angry. That was pretty rough. - referred to the previous quarrel.

- You're telling me... you know what he's right about? - he shook his head. - If it were the other way around, I would react the same way.

- I do not know what to say. But I know that a pálinka would be nice right now, and I think you could also need one or two. - Sam took out two more glasses and the medicine for all wounds. We filled it, toasted it, pulled it down.

- Just so you know, Clary, your Christmas this year will be the best.

- Where do you get this anyway?

- Because every single minute with me is the best.

- Egoist. I remarked under my mustache, but loud enough for Sam to hear.

// Writer:
In case you don't know the word 'pálinka': pálinka is a hungarian alcohol (you drink in a shot)

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