Chapter 2 - What it means to be a hero.

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Though: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

-Continuing off where we stopped-

Izuku: "Even if i don't have a quirk, can i still become a hero?" All Might stops "Can even someone without a quirk be like you?!"

All Might stayed still for some seconds.

All Might: "Without a quirk..?"

He suddenly started to feel weak, smoke started coming out from his body.

All Might: "Oh no, holy shit, goddammit.."
Y/n: "Why there's smoke coming out of him? Is he ok?"
Izuku: "I might've been because i don't have a quirk, but i'm always made fun of... Maybe... that's why... But i think saving people is super cool. Saving people with a fearless smile. I want to be the greatest hero, like you..!"

Izuku finishes his sentence just when the smoke around All Might clears out.
All Might had now turned into Small Might!

Y/n and Izuku are taken back by the sudden transition. Both stared in disbelief before screaming.


While Izuku and Y/n were discovering the true form of All Might, Ectoplasm, who has slipped from All Might's pocket when he and Izuku were flyin, had waken up inside a bottle.

Ectoplasm: "Where am i..? What happen?" He remembers All Might Punching him "Oh yeah, that bastard."

Ectoplasm continued to have have his moment on the bottle, but then he heard some voices next to where he was.

Male Student#2: "Hey Katsuki, aren't you and Midoriya-kun childhood friends?"
Male Student: "I think you went a little overboard today. I've never seen Y/n-kun that angry."

Bakugo juts stayed quiet, in frustration he kicks a bottle in front of him, unaware of Ectoplasm being inside.

Male Student: "Hey, don't let it get to you."

He remembers what Izuku said about getting into U.A and becoming a hero was his dream since little.

Bakugo: "Stupid Deku, dreaming like a kid! And Dead Eyes always on my business, just watching them pisses me off!"
Male Student#2: "Then why don't you go to the arcade for a change of pace?"
Male Student: "You'll come too? Right Katsuki?"
Bakugo: "...Yeah. Let's go to the one in front of the station. There's a lot of prey there."
Male Student#2: "You're terrible."
Bakugo: "What?! If we get caught, it'll end up on my record!"

The two Students eyes winded as they look horrified at something.

Male Student#2: "Hey look!"

Bakugo looks back to where the others pointed out, his eyes were meet by Ectoplasm.

Ectoplasm: "An invisible cloak with a great quirk!"

Ectoplasm: "An invisible cloak with a great quirk!"

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