Chapter 30 - (S3) Battle Between Life and Death

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Thinking: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

-3rd POV-
-Rescue Group-

The rescue group managed to pass the big crowd of people who were complaining at U.A, they stopped on a corner as the spot was just on their front.

Momo: "This is the spot the receiver is showing."
Bakugo: "So, that's their hideout? That doesn't even look like one." He complained.
Momo: "I don't know if it's their hideout or not, but from what I can see on the receiver, the villan has not left here for the past day. Also, just because that villan is here does not mean Y/n-san is. We are here with very little to go on. Please think about that objectively."
Iida: "We don't have anyone who excels at sneaking around, like Jiro-san or Hagakure-san, with us. If I think it's even the least bit dangerous, I will stop you immediately. Because I am your friend, and I will not hesitate to call the police, either."
Izuku: "Thanks, Iida-kun. What can we do with what we have..? I've gotta think."

And then, Izuku got into one of his muttering sections.

Bakugo: "And there he goes..." He grumbled.
Kirishima: "It's been a while since I saw that muttering."
Momo: "It really feels like Midoriya-san."

Iida: "That's right. Once you decide to do something, you're unstoppable. You can't stop." He thinks and closes his eyes. "Is what I respect about you as a friend... a rival. But I can't allow any more then this. This time, I will protect you."

Anyways, after that, the group was now squeezing themselves between a wall that separated the location were the receiver was marking and a house.

Momo: "This is very narrow... I feel like I will get stuck..."
Izuku: "We can't move until we know for sure it's safe. No one will see us here, and at that height, we should be able to see inside, too!" He said looking at the window on the top.
Bakugo: "You idiot, we can't see anything on that darkness." He remarked.
Momo: "I can make a night vision scope--
Kirishima: "Wait, Yaoyorozu." He pulls out the night scope. "Actually, I brought one with me..."
Izuku: "Wow, why?" He asked.

Kirishima: "When I thought about what we'd have to do, I thought we'd need it.:
Izuku: "But isn't that super expensive? I did research on them online when I was thinking about my costume, but if I remember correctly, they cost fifty thousand yen..."
Kirishima: "Who cares hoe much they cost? Stop talking about it!"

Todoroki: "Okay then, Midoriya and Bakugo, you two look through it. Iida and I will cary you on our shoulders."
Bakugo: "Why do I have to do that?" Bakugo questioned Todoroki.
Todoroki: "Beacuse you're taller than Kirishima."
Bakugo: "Tch. Fine, but don't you dare let me fall."

Bakugo and Izuku got up on Iida and Todoroki's shoulders, Kirishima handed Bakugo the night vision scope.

Kirishima: "Bakugo, what's inside?"

As Bakugo got enough height, he put the scope next to his eyes to see what was inside the building.

Bakugo: "There's not much to see. It's just dirty as hell..."

Bakugo moved the scope a bit and what he saw shocked him.

Izuku: "Kacchan, what's wrong? Did you see something?" He asked concerned about Bakugo's reaction.
Bakugo: "In the back on the left..." He handed the scope while his hands were shaking.

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