Chapter 4 - Entrace Exam

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Though: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

-Continuing where we last started-

-Batlle Center B-

The students around were impressed by the large artificial city U.A made, on the back our two protagonists were nervous about the exam.

-Y/n POV-

Boy, was i nervous about the exam.
But then i remembered about President Mic explanation about the test.

Mic: "There are different types of faux villans are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of then based ok their level difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villans."

Izuku: "Mock battles..." He started. "How everyone can be so confident? Aren't they nervous? They even have equipment to go with their quirks."
Y/n: "Hey, don't worry about what the others are doing, focus on yourself." I said.
Izuku: "Yeah, maybe i should." His eyes landed on Uraraka who among the others. "Oh, it's Uraraka-san! She was assigned in the same battle center, huh?"

Izuku starts to walk to Uraraka, I think he's going to apologize, or juts say hi or something, i decided to walk to her too, just to say a hello and to do our best on the Exam.
But then the Blue Hair Dude back from the auditorium came back ad places his hand on our shoulders.

Y/n: "You gotta be kidding. He's here too..?"
Lida: "That girl appears to be trying to focus, what are you two trying to do here. Are you both taking the exam to interfere with everyone else?"
Izuku: "N-No of course not!" He awkwardly waves his hands.
Y/n: "Yeah, don't worry. We were just going to say "hello." for her, there's no need to bust any head."
Lida: "Hmm." He places his hand on his chin before nodding. "I see. I beg your forgiveness for my incorrect judgment, i will take my leave." He left. That was a but weird.

The worst part about that was that the other students were muttering amongst themselves about the situation, and they had less rivals to worry about.
I felt that they thought they were lucky because we are here.
Oh boy, here we go...

Mic: "Okay, start!"

I started to run.
Was it really the the right time??
I hope it was, but everybody just stood there.

Mic: "What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights! Run! Run! The die has been cast, you know!"
Y/n: "Thank god!"

I look back to see everyone running towards, Izuku still stood there but then he also started to run. He said something i couldn't hear, but that's not the right time!

-Some time later-

I'm now at the artificial city, with the rest of the students around me.
The test has now started!
Now come on Y/n! Use those ten moths of All Might's training you had.
On that moment a two-point robot appeared through the wall.

Shark Turmoil (My Hero Academia X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now