Chapter 11 - (S2) Sports Festival/That's the idea Ochaco!

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Though: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot."

-Continuing off where we stopped-
-Y/n POV-

The day after the USJ attack, school was closed temporarily, next day, school was working like usual.

Hagakure: "Hey, did you watch the news last night?"
Ojiro: "Yea."
Hagakure: "Did you see that everyone in class was on-screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all..."
Shoji: "Yea."
Ojiro: ! "It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh?" He said, trying to comfort Hagakure.

Kaminari: "But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it." He said laying back on the chair.
Kirishima: "I was surprised."
Jiro: "Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro heroes was attacked."
Sero: "Who knows what would've happen if the teachers hadn't come when they did."
Mineta: "Stop that Sero! Just thinking about its making me wet myself--
Bakugo: "Shut up! Be quiet, scum!"

Sato: "But man, All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villans." He said doing some punches.
Tokoyami: "Yes, his strength is worth, wondering at."

Just on that moment, Iida came in running inside the classroom.

Iida: "Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!"
Sero: "You're the only one who's not."

Iida then sit on his chair rather frustrated.

Iida: "Shoot!"
Ochaco: "Don't worry about it!" She said from behind.

Mina: "Tsu, who's..." She laid back on the chair, so hard that it almost fall, Tsuyu managed to catch the chair. "...gonna teach homeroom today?"
Tsuyu: "Well, Mr. Aizawa is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries..."

The door opens, revealing a very bandaged Aizawa.

Aizawa: "Morning."
Everyone: "Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!"
Kaminari: "You're too much of a pro!" He said scared.
Iida: "So you're all right, Mr. Aizawa?!"
Ochaco: "Can you really call that "all right"?"

Aizawa: "My well being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight is not yet over."
Bakugo, Izuku: "Fight?"
Mineta: "Villans again..?!"
Aizawa: "The sports festival is drawing near."
Everyone(besides Y/n): "That's a super normal school event!"
Kaminari: "Wait a minute."
Jiro: "Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villans snuck inside?"
Ojiro: "What if they attack us again or something..?"
Aizawa: "Apperently, they think of it as U.A showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the event. Security will also be strengthened to five times that of previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It's not an event to be cancelled because of a few villans."
Mineta: "But that's a good reason, isn't? It's a festival of sports."
Izuku: "Mineta-kun, you've never seen the U.A sports festival?" He said turning around to him.
Mineta: "Of course i have. That's not what i meant!"

Aizawa: "Our sports festival is one of Japan's biggest events. In the past, the Olympics were called a festival of sports, and the whole country was crazy about them. As you know, with reductions in scale and population, they're now a shell of their former glory. And now, for Japan, what has taken the places of those Olympics is the U.A sports festival!"
Momo: "Of course, all the top heroes around the country will be watching. For scouting proposes!" She said the last part tightening her fist.
Mineta: "I know that."
Kaminari: "After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick." He said pointing his finger up and thumbs up.
Jiro: "A lot of people miss their chance to become independent after that and become eternal sidekicks, though. Kaminari, i fell like you'd be one of them."

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