17. Confrontation

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Gerard slowly stirred from his sleep and he immediately felt the the soreness that permeated his body

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Gerard slowly stirred from his sleep and he immediately felt the the soreness that permeated his body. Frank had disrupted his sleep last night to have four rounds of sex and Gerard, although tired, didn't want to stop Frank. Rubbing his eyes groggily, he shifted in bed, his muscles protesting with each movement. With Frank still peacefully asleep, Gerard carefully slipped out of bed, mindful not to disturb his slumber. Stretching his tired muscles, he quietly made his way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, Gerard opened the fridge and retrieved a carton of milk. Pouring himself a glass, he took a long sip. As Gerard stood alone in the kitchen, the quietness of the morning enveloping him, he found himself lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the world outside the window. With each passing moment, Gerard's senses began to sharpen. And then, it hit him like a wave – the realization that his actions, his submission to Frank's demands, were not acts of love, but rather signs of manipulation and control. The intimacy they shared, the physical affection, it was all a facade, a game orchestrated by Frank to maintain his power over Gerard.

He had been complicit in his own degradation, sacrificing his dignity and self-respect for the sake of appeasing Frank's desires. As Gerard reflected on the state of his relationship with Frank, he couldn't deny the harsh truth that stared back at him: Frank had changed. What had once been a loving and caring partnership had devolved into something toxic and suffocating. Frank's possessiveness and control had reached alarming levels, suffocating Gerard's sense of autonomy and independence. He had forbidden Gerard from seeing his own family, isolating him from the support and love of those who cared about him. The walls Frank had built around Gerard grew higher with each passing day. But it wasn't just the emotional manipulation that weighed heavily on Gerard's mind – it was the physical abuse as well. The bruises and scars that adorned his body served as painful reminders of the violence that had become all too common in their relationship. Frank's anger would flare at the slightest provocation, his hands quick to lash out in anger, leaving Gerard cowering in fear.

He knew deep down that this wasn't love – true love didn't come with strings attached, nor did it demand submission at the cost of one's dignity and self-worth. Gerard poured himself another glass of milk and gripping the glass tightly in his hand, he made his way to the study room. Entering the study, Gerard took a moment to survey his surroundings, the familiar sight of books and papers offering him comfort. Settling into a chair, he took a deep breath. As Gerard's hand moved across the paper, sketching out lines and shapes, his mind was consumed by thoughts of Frank and Frank alone. Despite his best efforts to focus on the task at hand, his thoughts kept drifting back to the man who had once been his lover, his tormentor, his everything. As he worked, Gerard couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at his insides. He knew that he needed to break free from Frank's grip, to reclaim his autonomy and rebuild his life, but the thought of confronting Frank filled him with dread. Gerard felt sad on the stark contrast between the Frank he had once known and the monster he had become.

Memories of their early days together flooded Gerard's mind – the sweet gestures, the gentle caresses, the whispered words of love. Frank had been his rock, his protector, his confidant. He had never raised a hand against Gerard, never uttered a harsh word in anger. But now, things were different. Frank had changed. The sweet gestures had been replaced by cruel taunts, the gentle caresses by painful blows. Gerard couldn't understand how someone he had once loved so deeply could become so cruel, so heartless. And yet, despite everything, a part of Gerard still loved Frank. It pained him to admit it, but the feelings he had once held for Frank refused to die. He couldn't simply switch off his emotions, no matter how much he wished he could. He wished things could go back to how they used to be, wished he could turn back the clock and reclaim the love they had lost. But deep down, he knew that was impossible. Gerard's gaze drifted to the small mirror in front of him, and he couldn't help but flinch at the sight that greeted him. Staring back at him was a reflection marred by a small cut on his cheekbone.

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