26. Leaving

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Frank sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes fixed on Gerard, who was lying and exhausted beside him

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Frank sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes fixed on Gerard, who was lying and exhausted beside him. Frank reached out, gently brushing a lock of hair away from Gerard's forehead. "You need to call your parents," Frank said softly. "Tell them you're leaving. It's time for us to move on, to prioritize our love." Gerard's eyes widened slightly. "But, Frank—" "No buts," Frank interrupted, his voice hardening. "This is the only way. They need to understand that you're with me now. That our love is the most important thing." Gerard swallowed hard, feeling the tight knot of anxiety in his stomach. He didn't want to call his parents, didn't want to cut ties with them, but he also knew that Frank wouldn't take no for an answer. He glanced at the phone on the bedside table and Frank handed Gerard the phone, his fingers lingering on Gerard's as if trying to convey reassurance through touch. "Do it now," he urged, his eyes boring into Gerard's. "We'll be together, and that's all that matters."

With trembling hands, Gerard took the phone and he hesitated. He didn't want to hurt his parents, didn't want to sever the bonds with the people who had always been there for him. But Frank's intense gaze was unyielding, leaving Gerard with no choice. He dialed the familiar number, his heart pounding in his chest and as the phone rang, he felt a wave of nausea wash over him. When Donna's voice answered on the other end, warm and full of love, Gerard felt his throat tighten. "Mother," he began, his voice shaking. "It's me. I... I need to tell you something." There was a slight gasp from Donna before she spoke again. "Gerard? What's wrong, honey?" her voice was instantly filled with concern and Gerard took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Frank's. "I've been thinking...and .... I've realised I need to focus on myself for awhile." There was a stunned silence on the other end of the line, and Gerard could almost hear his mother's heart breaking. "But, Gerard, what are you saying? Where are you going? Why so suddenly?"

"It's not sudden, Mom. It's just... I need to leave home for a bit," Gerard said. "Please understand." Frank nodded approvingly, his hand resting on Gerard's shoulder as a show of support, though it felt more like a shackle. Gerard's mother was crying now, her sobs muffled but heart-wrenching. "Gerard, please, come home. We can talk about this. If it's about Mikey's death, we can bring you to a therapist." "I can't," Gerard whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I love you, but I have to go." Frank took the phone from Gerard's trembling hand and ended the call. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to Gerard's forehead. "You did the right thing," he murmured. "Now, it's just us." Gerard wanted to believe Frank, wanted to think that this sacrifice was for the greater good of their love. But a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that he had just lost a piece of himself that he would never get back. Tears started to stream down his face, pooling on the pillow beneath him and his chest heaved with each breath.

Frank, sitting beside him, wrapped his arms around Gerard's trembling body, pulling him close. He gently stroked Gerard's hair, murmuring soothing words into his ear. "Shh, it's okay, Gerard. I'm here." Despite his comforting tone, a secret grin played at the corners of Frank's mouth, hidden from Gerard's view. He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction at Gerard's distress, knowing that he had successfully isolated Gerard from his family, making him more dependent on him. Gerard clung to Frank, his sobs subsiding into quiet whimpers. "I just... I can't believe I did that," he whispered, his voice breaking. "I hurt them so much." "I know," Frank replied. "But sometimes, we have to make hard choices for the ones we love. Your parents will understand in time. They want you to be happy, and this is what makes you happy, right?" Gerard nodded weakly. "Yes, I just... I wish it didn't have to be this way." Frank's grip tightened ever so slightly, his grin widening for a moment before he resumed his comforting facade. "It won't always be this hard, I promise. We'll build a new life together, free from anyone who tries to come between us."

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