A Love Spell? Again? Surely not?

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Marianne could hear the undertone of whispers, and surprised gasps, as ben headed back up the stairs. Taking the hand of the VK escorting her down the stairs, a job he should have done for mal. She narrowed her eyes, not taking her eyes of the pair. She didn't need to look to hear the heart break coming from mal.

She felt the boat rock slightly, as her emotions almost got the better of her. The mermaid let out a breath. She had to stay strong for her friend – be the standing lighthouse in the raging storm. And fine out what happening.

The cracking only growing louder as a heart broken gasp came from Mal's lips as ben kissed Uma hand. Kissed his ring which laid on the other teens finger. A ring that's supposed to be on Mal's hand. The mermaid didn't recognise the girly giggle that came out of the pirate's mouth.

Only watched as the scene played out.

"Sorry it all happened so fast" ben started bringing Uma down the last of the steps – so the new pair stood before the heartbroken VK. "Something happened to me when I was on the isle. Something with Uma. We had a Conention" ben turned locking eyes with Uma, the pirate smiling love stuck to the king.

When did this happen? Had she been so wrapped up in harry to notice?

Mal shakes her head in debrief, holding the tears that are beginning to grow. "What are you saying?"

"I'm sayin-" ben started

"It was love!" Uma cut the king off as she exclaimed. Ben says nothing, only watching Uma with adoration... marianne narrowed her eyes, if this boy has fallen for ANOTHER love spell, she was going to scream.... "It was, I just..." Uma gave another uncharacteristic giggled, "I realised, how alike ben and I are... You know"

The blue haired mermaid didn't know, but something was fishy, and it wasn't the two-merfolk standing on the deck.

"We are" ben nodded, still staring at the girl.

"I know" Uma once again giggled, adding to the mermaids growing suspicion. The Uma she knew didn't just giggle. A small delicate giggle.

"You're so beautiful" ben spoke aloud, further adding to Mal's heartbreak.

"Ben..." the heartbreaking voice of mal called out, trying to get the attention of her beloved. Only of the male in question to ignore her. Marianne narrowed her eyes. Even if ben had fallen for another, he wouldn't ignore someone close to him like that. Her sea hues widened...

Did he get spelled.... again? seriously?!

"Ben" mal voice makes out stronger finally getting the attention of the lovestruck pair. "Did you... did you go back for her?"

Uma let out a sign, turning away from the king not before glancing at the mermaid. "He didn't have too," the pirate shrugged, "I dove though the barrier before it closed. I'm...." there was a paused as the sea dweller though of the right word. "I'm an excellent swimmer so"

The mermaid couldn't help the snort that escaped, luckily for her only the pirate in question heard the small sound. Marianne looked away while Uma glanced at her eyes hiding the laugher at the other mermaid on the deck.

"You are" ben chuckled, staring like a love stuck puppy at the pair. Uma turned her attention back to the king letting out a giggle, "thank you"

Around them stood the VKs, other princess and princes of the Auradon. Watching the scene unfold, all with some degrees of shock, a vase number of eyes watching the loving pair and the teary eyes of mal. Some thinking that the villain kids deserved it, others pity. But there was a rumour of voices questioning the decide of the king.

Questioning his ability to rule.

Uma glanced at mal, seeing the teary hues of her enemy. The pirate just turned towards the other VKs not letting the small happy smile slip from her face. "Listen mal," Uma takes Mal's hands. "I just really wanna thank you" a small giggle escaped the girls' lips. "I do, for everything" the pirate pulled her rival into a hug, "Thank you, thank you so much" she whispered into the girl's ear, hugging her tightly despite mal not hugging back.

With one last smile, Uma stepped away. Turning back towards her king. Music started to play as the new couple started to dance.

While those around looked awkward. Glancing from the heartbroken girl to the new couple.

Mal couldn't take the stares, whisper but most of all the sight before her breaking her heart into more pieces. VKs followed escorting their leader away. Even jane rushing off – she stayed still watching the dancing pair with narrow eyes. Only taking a few steps towards the railing, as other began to dance as well.

Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted the ben's parents talking to mal as jane rushed up the stairs. What is she doing?

"And now," the music stopped, all eyes turned towards Lumiere and a flushed jane, "for the unveiling of kings ben's masterpiece!"

The mermaids' eyes widened oh oh, good thinking jane!

"Designed especially for his lady"

Uma looked around confused as the trumpets played, the pirate captains locked onto hers for a moment, marianne raised a brow, lips upturned as she nodded towards the curtain covered wall behind the pair.

The curtain dropped, to reveal.

A shunning stain glass piece of mal in her purple glory and ben. If that didn't show you who ben really truly loved...


Everyone gasped in awe at the image, clapping at the sight, thoughts whirled in people minds. She watched from the side lines as ben stepped forwards as if he was mesmerised by the image, while Uma glanced around with confusion.

"Cover that back up!" Uma turned on her heels toward Lumiere, a slight growl in her voice. Her dark tone causing a gasp to echo on the boat.

"I will not!" Lumiere spoke taken aback by the girl's tone. Everyone including ben was staring at the blue girl.

"I... um, why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me ben?" Uma spoke her voice doing a 180 going back to the girly giggle voice. She was losing ground and she knew it.

More warning flags, please don't tell her the king's been spelled again!?! He probably has hasn't he? Did she need to carry round enchanted lake water with her all the time?

The pair locked eyes for a moment, before ben opened his mouth.

"I have announcement, Uma" he held out the hand for the female pirate. Who took it with a smile "Will be joining the court tonight as my lady."

King Adam walked down the stairs, a worried look on his face. "Son,"

"NOT NOW DAD!" ben yelled at his dad, who looked shocked at the outcome.

Marianne could see the cogs turning in Mals heads as ben continued to speak, "so as my gift to her" there was a pause as he and Uma locked eyes. Yes, definably spelt. "I will bring down the barrier once and for all!"

There was a collective gasp of shock, confusion and the horror for those still unsure about the VKs. Though this is what she wanted, this was not the way to do it, not many variables. A mixed reaction fluttered thought-out the crowd and no doubt the kingdoms watching the drama unfold. 

"Fairy godmother" ben gestured to the flabbergasted women. 


To be continued.... 

the previous, this one and the next chapter were oringally one chapter.... abit long for my taste! anyhow found a way to cut them up sort of....  

Moving on with the story line! 

lov ya, stay safe! 

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