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It was now morning.

Florence looked at the eggs on her plate, they were burnt. Farleigh was buried in his magazine as usual looking at more chic. Felix was still eating while Elspeth continued running her mouth more than feeding it the cold English breakfast on her plate.

"Florence Darling, what do you think of elegance against fashion?" Elspeth asked

Farleighs eyes looked away from his magazine and to his sister then back to Elspeth.

"Uhhm.. I think elegance is fashion. I know it's a word that's usually applied to someone's manner but it's still under the fashion category"She answered.

Felix locked eyes with her as she glanced back over at Elspeth acknowledging her words.

"I love that answer"She slowly smiled.

"But would you find yourself judging another for not presenting elegance?"She asked

Florence looked at Pamela who had her arms straight under the table, with a worry look on her face.

"..it depends on the situation"She admitted quieting down her voice.

"Well..I have a bunch of dresses that still need some adjusting, and I was hoping you could find some way to fix them up for me"she opposed.

"I think they'd look absolutely beautiful on you"she  extolled.

"Venetia here has got a bunch of her own and wears more...revealing styles"She added.

Venetia responded with a nagged look on her face  as she slouched in the chair some more looking at the untouched breakfast on her plate.

Farleigh smiled over at his sister behind the magazine knowing how much it would mean to her.

"Yes..I'd love that actually thank y-"

"Oh please don't darling, you're really doing me a favor here"Elspeth assured.

She smiled down at the half eaten plate of food imagining all the designer luxurious dresses and the materials.

One of the butlers came in taking Sir.James's plate from infront of him while 2 others came in doing the same for Felix and Venetia.

Soon one by one they all left the dining room and went their separate ways while Elspeth introduced Florence to her wardrobe in confidence.

She looked around at the mirrors and enormous view that revealed of saltburns beauty. You could see the pool, small flower-field, including half of the golf course.

"Isn't it just so beautiful, there's racks and racks for you just to throw all your little hands on"She smiled and brought Florence's hands into hers.

"But, this is where I truly spend most of my time"She revealed with a bigger smile on her face.

Florence followed behind her walking towards the huge door which revealed a sparkling clean white walk in wardrobe. Two loveseats were in the front. She was left in shock in her head but the look on her face revealed how exquisitly impressed she was.

"This is so beautiful Elspeth" she exclaimed.

"Thank you.. I've got them organized by color so please be very careful about how you put these back- and if you don't feel like putting them back I'll just ask for a hand it's no worries at all, I really want you to get creative right here.."She smiled

"This really means a lot to me and for me, you don't understand how amazed I am by your presence and kindness"Florence replied.

Elspeth went in for a hug wrapping her arms around Florence taking a big sigh.

"I'm so glad you're here darling, anything if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask or if you need to vent I'm always always here love"Elspeth jested as she pulled away.

"I wish ventia were more like you, you know you've got a charming ring to you, so calm, and pleasant, oh my god I wonder why Felix doesn't have his eyes on you about now"She released.

"Oh" Florence laughed awkwardly.

"You're gonna love it here and I'm not pressuring you there's no due date for these or so what- whenever you feel like it just burst right in here no matter the time" she smiled in excitement.

Florence nodded as Elspeth continued talking her off and getting towards the brands and history of her favorited dresses.


for the rest of the morning Florence tried on almost 30 dresses, with a little help from a few ladies.

She felt empowerment evolving within herself with a little more confidence than she had before. From utterly shy and quiet presence to an abundant arrogance which Farleigh had most of the time.

Throughout each dress she felt amused by a different expression which brings her to now looking in the mirror with a black sparkled yet metallic Versace dress with a flowy mermaid like bottom.

She saw Farleigh peak through the entrance door.

She stopped looking at her breasts and turned around acknowledging his presence.

"I knew you'd love this room, I just never knew if I could get you in here" he smiled

"It's beautiful Farleigh, I mean I'm just so excited to start from here"She raved

He came closer behind her observing the dress and the way it fit her shape.

"Hey-" Felix added looking at Farleigh but drifted his eyes to Florence. He cut himself off in complete silence but observed her dress for quite a second as she just watched his eyes follow and trail along her body.

"Doesn't it look gorgeous?" Farleigh asked spreading his hand against her stomach touching the material.

"Yes..but Oliver's arrived now, I'd want everyone to be downstairs" he implied finally making eye contact with Florence.

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