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A day or two passed by and Florence had tailored about almost 20 dresses in total.

It was now 7:00 pm, dinner had just ended and Florence was making her way to her room.

Her door was wide open which left her concerned as her guard opened up.

She closed the book and walked in her room revealing Felix holding her camera.

"Felix?"she asked

"Shit sorry Flo"He released putting her camera down.

"It's fine..what's up?"she asked walking closer to him.

"I've got these jeans, and I was wondering if you could maybe make em flowy and baggy like my other ones I've got- I wore em two days ago- ya know kinda light yellow button up"He recited

"Yea.. I just came from the wardrobe room but I can take your measurements now?"she asked

"Yea, I've got them right here.. and the ones that need tailoring" he answered

She pulled out measuring tape and a dry erase marker.

"Uhm, do you think you could put on the ones you want me to fix?"she asked

"Yea of course, like right here?"He asked meaning infront of her

"Don't worry about it"She laughed going to close the door

He nodded and smiled while starting to take his pants off, she made her way to her nightstand.

She took the tape grabbing a used wipe she had on wiping the tapes markings from the pervious dress.

She turned slowly to glance at him as he took his shirt off leaving him in his boxers. She wanted to smile but looked away and continued wiping off the dry erase marker off the tape.

"Alright"He released.

She went over towards him kneeling down pulling the tape from the bottom the getting up to his torso.

She looked up at him, they both made that eye contact again leaving them both a bit nervous.

She placed her hand on his lower torso, she put her thumb on the number it stopped at.

He bit his lower lip drifting his eyes away while she marked the top and went back down to the bottom marking the bottom.

After she did so she went to the other side doing the same thing, once she got to the top their eye contact was still deep.

As much as he wanted to press his lips against hers for once... he didn't, he placed his hand on her face caressing her cheek. He moved his face closer to hers lifting her chin up a little.

"You're so gorgeous.." He commented softly

She looked away blushing a bit.

"Thank you"she added as he let go the two laughed together flirtatiously.

She then marked the last number at his torso getting up, as he ran his hand past his nose licking his lips.

"Okay, so I'm gonna write these down and work on it tomorrow..I'll probably be done maybe after lunch"She sighed writing down each measurement and side of the Jean for each number.

"Yea, that's great I really do appreciate it"He replied.

He then took off his over baggy jeans leaving him in his boxers again, slipping his shirt over his head.

He looked over at her opening her note book on his number arrangements while moving books and her camera around, he then slipped his shorts on.

He past by her as his eyes drifted over her shoulder ease dropping on her actions.

A Harry Potter book caught his eye.

"Hey"He spoke drifting his arm over hers picking up the Harry Potter book.

"You read?"He asked

"Yea, I haven't picked it up since I got here"She laughed

"You can borrow it if you'd like" Florence offered

"That was kind of you but I just received the new one- just came out this year"He released as she turned to him putting the camera down.

"I just re read this one, it's my favorite- I haven't gotten my hands on that one yet tho"She added.

"Yea- it's a chunk full"He made an example with his hands.

"I can let you borrow it if you'd like?"He asked mimicking her repeated tone.

"Maybe..when I'm not working on your mom's wardrobe I'll have time to read it or maybe browse through it" she smiled.

The short conversation between the two ended up lasting longer than they both expected to.
He ended up passing by his room to grab the new book itself he mentioned and went back to her room.

They stayed in her room just talking to the point where they forgot they were into one another until one of them started laughing and deeply observed one another's beauty.

They both understood each other perfectly, but didn't look into it and mostly focused on the topics they were on. It was genuine, which Florence didn't usually like, but the more she acknowledged his presence in the moment she felt her relationship evolving with him from a


To a friend.

To a close friend.


She couldn't confirm to herself to trust him and just fall and hope for the best, but he knew she was fragile. He didn't wanna break her when summer ended..if he broke her then he'd break himself from the relationship they developed since he'd remember how genuine she was.

It would make sense to keep her as friend but he couldn't stop himself from watching her thighs rub together when she walks, or the small tattoos he wanted to stare at and discover. He was ready to explore her already...


"Sometimes you don't instantly click with the person you deeply fall in love with..you both evolve until you dissolve"

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