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She couldn't lie it might've been the best sex she's had in a while, on her bed twice and in the bathroom once.

She tired herself out but didn't hesitate to keep talking to him and asking him questions, she wanted to really know how he saw things. She felt herself developing"LOVE" for him or maybe a little OBSESSION.

She could see herself running around with him for a while.

"You should come stay with me"He spoke.

"Why would I do that?"She asked smiling a bit

"Because..I like you- a lot"He replied

"Why wouldn't you stay with me?"she asked

"Cause I wanna show you around, and I have a lot of space where I live"He answered

She smiled rubbing her nose against his.

"Only for a week or two"She smiled

"That's enough time"He laughed pressing his lips against hers.

She pulled away for a second

"We should go now"she whispered .

"It's still dark out.."He worried

"That's why we should go now, I don't wanna go while everyone's up and trying to get me to stay a bit longer"She added bitting her lower lip.

"That does make sense"He sighed

He then got up as she did the same, she went to her closet putting her clothes on she had hung up the night before she so could just leave without having to do so many things at once.  She put on a black pair of socks with her black and white  vintage converse she took from the bottom of her luggage bag just so she could match with him.
They made their way out the big house with her travel bags. She felt adrenaline run through her body as she rushed out the door. She took in a deep breath opening his car door to his Mercedes she failed to acknowledge.

She was never seen by Felix again there at SALTBURN.

So many things made her not wanna return but it felt good driving away from her problems for now. She couldn't explain how things felt there she felt happy, sad, and upset about so many things in that 3 month period.

As he drove away not looking back, she wanted to look back on her memories since she felt as if she were missing something.

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