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It didn't take long for Felix's
natural side to show.

He was on the balcony with Oliver as they looked above saltburn.

"What's up with you and Florence?"Oliver asked.

"..why?"Felix questioned looking at Oliver.

"You two just seem close"

"Are you sleeping with her?" Oliver laughed

"It's not like that" Felix sighed

"I mean- I'd probably be dead if Farleigh found out but I mean she's an adult she can choose whoever she wants to sleep with and pick her own battles" he added

"I don't really blame you, she's hard to not look at" Oliver added.

Felix snapped his head at him then looked over towards the field reminiscing when they first had sex two weeks ago.

"She's not really worth it"Felix sneered.

"Fuck..that's quite harsh"Oliver laughed.

"It doesn't really matter"Felix sighed and looked down at the ledge they were leaning on as he took another hit of the cigarette.

Oliver and Felix spent the rest of the day all around saltburn, Felix didn't think about her or even do that "I MISS YOU" wave when she appeared at lunch and dinner.

Oliver now watched the two dis functional lovers argue.

"You are being an asshole Felix!"She yelled

"You do realize how stupid you sound right now? You're pissed off cause I haven't said anything to you all day"He snapped getting closer in her face.

"You're avoiding me as a whole...I don't know what I did to cause you to be upset with me!" She stormed getting even closer.

"You're an actual fucking EMBARRASSMENT you know that" He shook his head pushing her shoulder walking away.

Her nose started turning a light pink as she stopped herself from crying.

"Oliver come on, she's just looking for attention once again"Felix ranted.

Oliver followed behind him as Florence covered her face making her way on the other side of the house. Oliver and Felix made their way to the living room.

"Felix I think you're being a bit too harsh on her- I mean-"

"Oliver she's fine"He corrected sighing.

Oliver noticed after Felix and Florence started hanging out a lot more she wore more revealing clothing and swimsuits. Oliver wasn't going to expose or blow up Felix's spot but when they were in Florence's room almost every night he'd hear the bed shift against the wall.

Ever since then he's looked at Florence as "USED" but he wondered in the back of his head

how he never even took her out.

now he's playing with her head

But did he ever make her cum?

She'll never know how long he could stare at her
And wish that it were himself Felix was in love with.

He wasn't lying when he said he didn't blame Felix for sleeping with her.
He admires her soft voice, welcoming presence, and her body.

He kept up with their schedule, every night they'd be together either outside or in her room to not awaken him.

UNTIL that one night he was led to the shower where the two had been devouring one another after returning from outside by the pool to be  in the shower together.

Felix was down in her neck and chest going back and forth to her lips as she ran her hands through his hair. His one hand went down her every curve and lower waist, the other hand was gripped on her breast while the steam went throughout the bathroom.


a/n: OMG thank u guys for 1.35k
I keep coming back on here
and there's always a higher
view count than there was before!
but my schedule for this book
is that one chapter
will be posted each day
so I am always active
on here + feel free to comment
I'll most likely respond or heart it.


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