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7 HOURS was how much time they had left before people started making their way to SALTBURN.

Florence hated how each second passed by and she lied in the same room with nothing to do.

She didn't wanna show herself again, she didn't wanna set herself on display for Felix so she stayed inside. She knew he was avoiding her, he kept pushing her away.

There were so many things she wanted to tell him, more than what she told him yesterday but like Oliver said yesterday Felix never wants to hear anyone out, he never stood for second chances. She was too nervous to go up to talk to him, what would he say, how would he take it?

Those were things she let float in her head along with still assuming maybe avoiding him is for the best. Though they spent all that time LOVING each other just to not call it love.

She would purposely stare at him when they were around each other, she wouldn't look away until he looked up but he didn't. He left her alone avoiding her body language, when they'd walk past one another he just ignored her presence..and she wasn't gonna let his attitude get in the way this time.

She made her way by the pool watching him soak in the sun. She then stood right next to his beach chair waiting for him to say something.

She felt nervous as he turned to her then turned right back looking forward.

"So you're not gonna say anything?"she asked as he sighed and got up.

"You can't just avoid my presence!"She cried.

He grabbed his towel and his things leaving as she followed him.

"What the fuck do you want me to say to you!"He yelled back.

"I want you to tell me to my face that you don't love me, I'm sick of waiting for you to come around!"She cried

He looked down avoiding eye contact with her and kept walking back towards the house.

"Look at me, look at me and tell me!"She continued crying.

He looked at her wanting to form the words


But he looked at her face.

Just her face made him break a little on the inside.

She waited for a response folding her lips together.

"there's things I
say to you, but I'll just
let you live"


𝐏𝐋𝐔𝐌 | felix cattonWhere stories live. Discover now