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|tw: sexual content|

It was just another hot summer day in saltburn once again. It was around 1pm and lunch just ended, Florence was in the wardrobe room by herself tying up the last dress she had to work on.

Rock music played in the background as she continued bopping her head and mumbling the lyrics.

Felix made an entrance walking towards her.

"Hey, you've been so quiet today what's wrong?"He asked sitting next to her.

"Hey, I've just got my last dress"She replied putting down her fabric.

"...you didn't answer my question"he rose his eyebrow

"Yea..sorry today's been- I've just got a headache"she batted her eyelashes putting her hand on her forehead.

"Oh, maybe you should get some rest or- I can get you a water?"He concerned placing his hand against her back moving closer to her.

"No- it's probably just the heat"she sighed groaning.

"Are you sure?"he asked placing his hand on her face. She instantly pulled away as if she didn't want him to touch her.

"I'm fine, thanks- I'm just gonna take a break"She snapped getting up feeling dizzy but everything just went black.

Well for her.

Felix looked down at her sighing as her eyes were shut.

"That was..quick"He awkwardly sighed

Instead of just leaving her there like he wanted to he got her up taking her to Farleighs empty bedroom which was right down the hall. He lied her down on his bed opening a window and called a few ladies down from the laundry room to help her out while he just sat and watched.

He knew she was gonna feel guilty once she got up since she was kinda being a bitch before she just passed out. She just drifted asleep right after she woke for a couple seconds. She wasn't in her right mind to wonder where she was or how she got there and where Felix was.

When Farleigh came back to his room he was just confused on why she was half naked in his bed instead of wondering why she was there until one of the ladies came with water and explained what happened.

She ended up drifting off into dinner which was around 5, Felix felt kind of bad when no one realized she was missing at the table or even bothered to look at her chair next to Farleighs.

She didn't wake up until she heard Felix talking to her while not being aware of her listening to him while her back towards him, He was sitting in Farleighs small desk chair . "No one realized you were not at dinner which was kind of sad, ya know they didn't even ask about you once" he recited

She then turned around getting up.

"Oh- you were awake?"He scoffed and stood up.

"Yea..where's farleigh?"She asked

"You kinda fainted earlier...so I bought u here since it was the closest, but he's in your room"He responded looking straight at her.

She sighed.

"I'm sorry if I'm..picking into your business or whatever but I'm genuinely concerned about you"He wondered

"..sometimes I just get too hot staying inside all the time, and I get overwhelmed and upset. I don't know why I fainted tho"She laughed.

"I do appreciate you more than ever, sorry for being an asshole earlier"She sighed

He looked down wondering if he should just ask and go for it, but knowing himself he couldn't care less at this point.

"Why not go for a swim with me, I don't know why you cage yourself in here whenever we're out...it's summer it's still hot right now. Why not?"He offered.

"It's dark out and-"

"Not that dark.."He smiled cutting her off.

"Yea, fine..I'll go"she sighed

"Meet me outside"He smiled still as she did the same flirty smile while she watched him walk out Farleighs room.

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