Shopping at the mall

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A/N: this is in my point of view 

Me and my dad decided to go shopping at the mall and get away from the hustle and bustle of Mirkwood. Once we arrived people stared at my dads regal appearance, girls my age blushed and swooned as he walked by I rolled my eyes. Yes I know my dad is good looking and I think it's weird that people my age have a crush on him. He's my dad and that's all I ever viewed him as. 

My real dad died when I was a baby my uncle pitch said he was killed by a man named drago bludvist I don't remember my real parents so I got nothing to compare them with Thranduil. 

I was just a baby when I first arrived in mirkwood my dad brought me home and placed me into a wooden crib with soft sheets and a pillow with some toys. I was happy i loved life in mirkwood everyday was always an adventure for me. My dad told me that when I was 3 years old he couldn't bear to lose me to old age as I grew up so he had gandalf place a spell on me to make immortal. 

I thought it was cool and he said I went around saying "I'm a superhero!" Which made him smile and thanking god that I embraced this new life. 

As we are walking down the mall I spot a beautiful necklace with green jems on it I looked at my dad and he smiled and said "you can buy it my dear" I smiled back and ran into the store bought the necklace and headed back to my dad. 

When we got home we were greeted by the smell of dinner cooking in the kitchen we sprinted towards dining hall and ate dinner. 

After we were done eating I was heading back to my room to get ready for bed when I heard my brother legolas calling my name he ran towards me and said that orcs have attacked lake town and we need to go. I nodded and put on my armor and grabbed my bow, sword, and twin daggers and got my dragon Stormy and took off straight towards lake town. I landed and spotted the orc pack and attacked me and my brother worked together to get rid of them. After the battle was over we headed for home exhausted and immediately fell asleep. Our dad walked in and smiled and thanked us for helping the people of lake town. 

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