Tolerate it

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A/N: this is Thranduils pov on me seeing him singing tolerate it by Taylor Swift 

There I was, in the quiet of my chambers, where the walls are lined with ancient tomes and the light of the moon gently filters through the tall windows. The silence of the night was a comforting companion, until it was softly broken by the familiar strains of a melody—a song that seemed to echo the complexities of the heart. "Tolerate it" by Taylor Swift, a song of love taken for granted, filled the air.

I had never meant for anyone to hear, for it was a private indulgence, a moment where the stoic façade of Thranduil, the Elvenking, could be set aside. Yet there you were, Gabriella, standing at the threshold, a look of surprise swiftly melting into one of warmth and recognition.

As our eyes met, an unspoken understanding passed between us. Without a word, you stepped inside, your voice joining mine. The melody grew richer with our combined voices, the words a bittersweet symphony that spoke of love's quiet endurance.

Together, we sang, our voices harmonizing in the stillness of the night. In this shared moment, the barriers of adoptive father and child blurred, and we were simply two souls connecting through the power of music. It was a memory I would cherish, a reminder that even the mightiest of us need moments of vulnerability and that in those moments, we are never alone.

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