Trip to Paris ✈️🗺

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(Thranduils POV) 

As the morning sun rose over the ancient and majestic trees of Mirkwood, I, Thranduil, prepared for a journey unlike any other. This time, it was not through the perilous paths of Middle-earth, but to the luminous city of Paris, with  Gabriella, my adoptive child by my side.

The idea of venturing into the world of Men was a curious one, but the thought of exploring it with you brought a sense of excitement I had not felt in many an age. We stepped through the magic that bridged our worlds, and in an instant, the verdant forest was replaced by the cobblestone streets of the City of Light.

Paris unfolded before us like a living tapestry, rich with history and brimming with life. Together, we strolled along the Seine, the river reflecting the dance of sunlight as it passed beneath the arches of storied bridges. We marveled at the grandeur of Notre-Dame, its gothic architecture a testament to the artistry of Men.

I watched with a fondness that only an adoptive father could know as gabbie gazed up at the Eiffel Tower, your eyes alight with wonder. We ascended into the skies above Paris, the city sprawling out beneath us like a kingdom of my own, yet so very different.

In the quiet sanctuary of the Louvre, we wandered through halls adorned with the finest art, where the echoes of the past whispered through marble and canvas. I saw reflections of elven grace in the sculptures and paintings, and I shared stories of our own artists of old.

As twilight descended upon Paris, the city transformed once again, the glow of lamplight and the shimmer of the stars above turning it into an enchantment of its own. We dined at a quaint café, the flavors and melodies of the mortal world a delightful novelty, and I found joy in the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with you.

Our trip to Paris was more than a journey through space; it was a journey of the heart. For in the laughter and the silence shared, in the beauty beheld and the memories made, I understood that though we were from different worlds, the bond between us was as real and enduring as the ancient stones of this magnificent city.

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