My sweet little child ❤️

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(Thranduils POV) 

In the golden halls of Mirkwood, amidst the ancient beauty and whispered songs of my realm, there unfolded a moment of pure, unadorned joy. I, Thranduil, stood as the Elvenking, often perceived as distant and stern, but on this day, my heart was anything but.

There, in the corner of my grand hall, sat my little one, Gabriella, with parchment and colors spread before her. Her small fingers were grasping the instruments of art with such determination that it brought an unbidden smile to my usually composed visage.

She was a toddler, full of life and innocence, and the way she furrowed her brow in concentration upon her masterpiece was a sight that would soften even the hardest of hearts. Her tongue peeked out from the corner of her mouth, a telltale sign of her deep focus.

I watched, as if through the eyes of an unseen specter, as she brought forth strokes of vibrant hues, a chaotic yet harmonious blend that only the pure imagination of a child could conceive. It was a dance of colors, a testament to her love and the boundless creativity that dwelt within her young mind.

After what seemed like an age, though it was but a fragment of the afternoon, Gabriella stood, her work complete. With the solemnity of a diplomat and the grace of a fawn, she approached me, her small steps echoing softly against the stone floor.

"Daddy" she said, her voice a melody that rivaled the larks, and she presented the parchment to me. There, amidst the swirls and whirls of color, I saw the intention of her heart—a portrait of us, together, beneath the trees of Mirkwood.

My own immortal hands, accustomed to the weight of a crown and the burden of a scepter, trembled as I took the offering. This simple piece of art, raw and beautiful, was worth more than all the treasures in my vaults.

I knelt, so that we were eye to eye, and I saw the expectancy in her gaze. "It is a masterpiece, my child," I spoke, my voice a gentle whisper, "a treasure I shall cherish for all our days."

And as I embraced her, the Elvenking of Mirkwood, I knew that no title or power could ever compare to the love and pride I felt for my dear Gabriella, my little artist, my heart's joy.

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