Chapter One: The Day That Changed It All

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      I almost find it funny how things can go from perfect to pure hell so quickly. I remember two years ago, my mom and Dad and i were a family, i had my friend Jasmine, and everything felt perfect.

my whole life changed on a Tuesday, three months ago. My mom and dad where fighting for awhile, he was mad she wanted a career, i think he was almost jealous she was more accomplished then he was, so one day he left, leaving a note that said he would miss us, but he needed to make a better life for himself. What a selfish bastard he became. And from then in it just went further downhill. My mom was trying to support the two of us, then Jordan Baker came into my life.

Jordan was an An accomplished man who made 8 figures a year, but he was just another bastard who only wanted my mom for her body, and behind the scenes he was abusing me. Whenever she was at work he would hit me. I tried to tell my mom but she didn't believe me, so it became a normal thing. But one day sticks out more than any other. My mom was headed to the world trade center to seal a big time business deal with her corporation, i begged her not to leave me home alone with Jordan, but she didn't listen, And The abuse got even worse when she was gone. A few days later, It was an early autumn morning. September Eleventh 2001, a day that changed many people's lives forever. School ended early and we were instructed to go straight home. When i got back I started waiting anxiously for a call from mom, a call saying she was okay. That call never came, at least not from her.

Two weeks later the police called Jordan from new york, identifying her body as Miss Carolina Harps. My worst nightmare had come true. I found out that evening, Jordan looked like he was about to give one of his fake sorry speeches, which he did. I'll never forget his words.

"hi Mona, i have some news, I'm selling the house, you're gonna go live with your Aunt in georgia." I was so confused.

"What the hell are you talking about?" i exclaimed angrily.

"Mona your mother's dead! I got a phone call today from the NYPD, they identified her body, she left the house to me, so i chose to sell it." He said in such a robotic, emotionless tone.

"NO! YOUR LYING! HOW COULD YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT! I HATE YOU, YOU BASTARD!" i was screaming and crying, i threw a glass on his arm and it broke, that unleashed a rage mode in him.

I fought harder then ever before, and he started tackling me to the ground and said, "Now until you get to your Aunts house, your going to do everything i tell you to, and if you tell a soul about this, i will make sure to make your life a living hell." (as if it wasn't already) Then he continued to pound me in the face until i cried.

that week i couldn't even grieve the death of my mother, i was in survival mode. I couldn't wait to get to my aunt who i didn't even knows house, anything had to be better then the hell i was living in. Jordan pulled me out of school the week before i was leaving, i packed my bags while he was at work, hiding all of my mother's valuables in my backpack, and when he got home I
had to succumb to all of his bs, because if i didn't, he'd hit me ten times worse. And then finally the day came for me to leave that godforsaken town. he dropped me off at the bus stop that evening, and that was the beginning of my new life.

Mona Harps (Pt One)Where stories live. Discover now