Chapter eighteen: Farewell

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       Me and Ron spent every day together That summer, then went to prom together, went on two summer vacations together, and most of those nights he slept over at my house.

      Yet still, all that time wasn't enough, I could never have enough time with Ron. And all those days we spent together, didn't make the goodbye any easier.

Ron stayed over The night before he had to leave, He told his parents he'd meet them at the airport the following morning. "What time do you gotta wake up?" I asked him tiredly, cuddling with him on my bed.

"4:30, then it's a 2-hour drive to the airport, and then we gotta say our goodbyes at the airport check-in." He replied sullenly.

"Wake me up when you gotta go, I wanna spend every awake moment with you." I laughed.

"I will, I promise." He replied, Turning over on the bed so that he was facing me, and kissed my forehead, "Goodnight Mona."

"Goodnight Ron." I smiled.

4:30 a.m. came around all too early. We woke up, stood in the bathroom brushed our teeth together, then showered together, then got dressed together. Everyone else was asleep so we had some alone time together before we had to say goodbye.

I came into Janice's room when we left and kissed her goodbye saying I was leaving, Then he and Spencer said their goodbyes, then we left for the airport. The Ride was quiet, we both knew what was eventually going to happen. Ron was gonna be in Africa, I was gonna be here, We were gonna break up, then eventually lose contact. We would never have said that to each other, But it was inevitable.

Then came the airport check-in, The hardest part. "Ron, I'm gonna miss you so much." I cried on his chest.

"I'm gonna miss you more Mona." He cried too.

The question had been lurking in my mind since God Knows when. I never asked it, but right then I finally got the courage. "Ron, where does this leave us? I...I can't do this." I started crying even harder.

He didn't answer for the longest time. Then he replied, "I love you more than anything Mona, Let's end it at that." He smiled, trying to stop crying.

      We gave each other The longest, most passionate, beautiful, and memorable kiss. He held me up by my waist and spun me around and then the kiss ended. "I love you, Ron," I said quietly.

"I love you too Mona. Let's not say goodbye, goodbyes are too permanent." He replied.

"Well then, I'll just leave it at I love you." I laughed/cried. He said He loved me again, quickly kissed my forehead, then left for check-in, and I stood there, empty inside.

       I went to the beach, I needed to be alone. I kicked A rock with my feet and screamed as loud as I could. Then I started to throw Rocks into the ocean. "WHY GOD WHY?!!?! WHY DO YOU TORMENT ME LIKE THIS?!?! WHAT DID I EVER DO TO DESERVE THIS??!?" I screamed. "You took Mom from me! You took Dad! And now you go and take Ron? It's like every time I find real happiness you feel the need to take it all away!" I screamed in tears And continued throwing stuff at the ocean.

That night I lay in bed, Remembering everything we did together, everything we went through. The day he met me at that party and defended me against that loser, The day He accidentally walked in on me naked, our first kiss, my panic attack, The first time he told me he loved me, The first time we made love, The vacations together. Everything. All taken away from me.

      When I woke up I was surprised to see Jasmine, sitting on my couch waiting for me. "Oh My God Jasmine?!? What are you doing here?" I exclaimed.

"Well your Boyfriend just moved away, so I think that qualifies for a best friend visit. How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"I'm okay." I kinda forced a smile, but it was pointless, Jasmine could always see right through me.

"No, you're not. You don't have to lie to me, I can see right through that fake smile." She stated.

"Okay maybe I'm not okay, but...I don't know." I shrugged.

"It's okay to not be okay M. So watcha wanna do in your misery, watch movies and eat chocolates? Go to the mall? Bake a cake? Go, Smoke some illegal substances?" She smirked.

"Well, that had a very rapid incline." I laughed.

"well, whatcha chose?" She smiled. "Why don't we just head to the mall? me, you, Jane, Rita, and Spencer can come too if he wants." I said.

"Sounds good to me." Jasmine nodded.

When we got back from the mall I decided to go up to bed and take a nap. (Jasmine followed.) "It just feels like God's Punishing me for nothing. Maybe it's cause I had sex before marriage."

I laughed.  She rolled her eyes, "God not punishing you, if anything he's just testing you, and you're gonna get through it babes. I know you can." She put her hand over mine.

"Thanks, Jas, I think I just need to Go on a walk alone, I need to clear my mind." I smiled.

"Do what you gotta do girl, I'll be Here with chocolate and a good movie when you get back." She replied.

I Went for a walk, I walked around town, remembering everything. Every day that I and my Mom spent together, Then every memory I Had with Ron. I just stopped walking for a minute and Took a deep breath. I felt peace, This sudden rush of pure calm. And in that moment, I realized everything was gonna be okay.

Ron called me when he got to the airport in Africa, We both knew things were different now, we were no longer a couple, not the way we were before. Cell service would be different in Africa, he'd be busy with his mission services, and I'd be busy with senior year.

"How was the phone call?" Jasmine asked.

"About how I expected, We both know we can't do this." I smiled sullenly. 

"It's gonna be okay babes, It's always okay in the end." She put her hand over mine and smiled.

Jasmine started to visit on the weekends that year after school started. I started to focus on myself, and my friends, and honoring my Mother's memory. I became an A+ student, And things started to go uphill. Even though you miss people, life still goes on. Whether you like it or not.

       I and Ron did lose contact The following autumn, But That doesn't mean I forgot about him. I always think about him, And all the memories we shared. Just because people aren't here, it doesn't mean they're gone. Because if you love someone, That love never dies. He taught me that.


Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this book! The sequel to this book is out now. It's called, "Mona Harps: Love Never Dies." Have a nice Day :)

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