Chapter seven: First kiss

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       The next couple of weeks me and Ron started to hang out a lot more, I was beginning to like him and even felt comfortable around him. I never told him about my mom or anything about my past, All he knew was that I was a cousin who was staying at Spencer's house. So I decided one evening that I would tell him.

     We sat on the porch swing surrounded by the sound of the crickets.

"This is what I love about early fall, the crickets," I said to Ron.

"Me too, it's so peaceful, then we have the salt breeze blowing through the air, which makes it even better." He replied.

It was time for me to tell him. "So um. Ron, I've been wanting to tell you about my life, and myself."

"Yeah, of course, you can tell me whatever you want, I'd love to hear it." He replied.
     I took a deep breath, then started to tell him my story, "So, my dad left me and my mom about two years ago, and that's when it started to all go downhill. About a year after that my mom started getting serious with a guy named Jordan Baker, who was abusive and manipulative. Then, a little more than a month ago, my mom was killed at the World Trade Center."

      Ron was silent for a moment, then he replied, "Mona....I...I'm so sorry, I can't imagine what you felt, and what you're still feeling, I promise I'll be here for you through all of this, if you need a friend or just a person to talk to, I'm here." I just shook my head up and down, then I buried my head in his chest.

     that weekend we all hung out and played "Mario Cart n64"

"I win again!" I shouted.

"Oh my God you're kidding me!" Rita replied angrily.

"Mona, are you cheating at this game?" Spencer laughed.

I replied with, "No I'm not cheating! but I am thirsty so I'm gonna get a glass of water."

"I'll go with you," Ron stated.

We headed to the kitchen and I grabbed a glass of water. Ron looked kinda nervous as if he had something important to say to me.

"You ok Ron?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, I just.. well I have a question." He replied.

"shoot it," I said to him, taking a sip of water.

"Well...I was wondering if you wanted to go to the roller rink with me." He asked. 

I was slightly confused and asked, "Why's that a big deal? I mean we all go and do stuff together all the time.

"Well... I was wondering if you wanted it to be.. just me and you." He replied.

"Wow, yeah I'd love to! wanna go tomorrow evening?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me! pick you up at 6:30?" He asked.

"Sounds good to me!" I replied with a giggle.

The next evening I was getting ready, wearing my nice skinny jeans and a white tank top, putting on lots of makeup, and doing my hair, leaving it down with two small braids in the front.

"Who are you trying to impress?" Rita asked me in a bratty voice.

"I'm not trying to 'impress' anybody, I'm going out to the roller rink to have fun," I replied.

"You look like a tramp." She said to me, her cigarette in one hand and her mini bottle of whiskey in the other hand. I just rolled my eyes and didn't give her a response.

Ron rang the doorbell around 6:15, which was funny because he was never early. I opened the door and stood on the porch. He said to me, "You look so pretty."

"thank you! You look nice too." I replied.

      We headed to the roller rink, I was hesitant to go on the rink, I couldn't skate, I think he realized this, and grabbed onto my hand, which made me blush. Skating was harder than I thought, I almost fell multiple times, but Ron never failed to catch me before I fell. I liked it when he caught me. Eventually, I got the hang of it, and we started skating together in sync, and at this moment, I realized that I was truly happy, I felt alive, for the first time in forever.

After most people left the rink, it was time for couples to dance. Me and I took our skates off and started dancing. I don't know if it was just the heat of the moment or the fact that my favorite song was playing, (I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. ) but I gazed into Ron's beautiful brown eyes, and I slowly leaned in to kiss him, too which he did the same, looking right at me. We closed our eyes and had what felt like the most magical kiss. My first kiss.

    He dropped me off back home around ten, Janice asked me a few questions as to why I was out so late, and then she let me go upstairs to bed. That's when I saw my old journal from 8th grade, I decided to write down what happened tonight, it just felt right. I finished writing a little before midnight, tonight was one of the happiest nights of my life, I just wish my mom could be here for me to tell her about my first kiss, this made me realize she won't be here for other milestones either, like my wedding, or my graduation, or when I have children. That had me sad, everything reminds me of her, maybe one day when I remember her, I can remember her with joy, not sadness.

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