Chapter Seventeen: Prom

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Prom was coming in two weeks, I spent the day hanging out with Ron at the beach, we surfed and then just played around in the water together, When I got home Rita and Jane were talking in bed, They were shaping up to be pretty great friends, something I never would've expected.

Janice separated the bunk beds and then bought a new one from Ikea, so now it was just three twin beds sitting right beside each other. "Hey, you're home! How was the beach today?" Jane asked me.

"It was pretty good." I giggled.

Rita laughed but could tell I was kinda off, so she asked me, "Mona, is everything alright?"

"I just, I'm gonna miss him." my voice started to crack.

"It's okay Mona, I know you're gonna miss him, but I know you can get through this, I promise." Rita put her hand on my shoulder smiling.

"But, I'm gonna miss him so much, It feels like losing my mom all over again," I said, the tears now flowing down from my eyes.

        Both Rita and Jane Hugged me tight, I felt so comforted and loved at that moment. Then Janice came in to ask me something, then she saw us all hugging and simply sat down and hugged me too, it didn't matter what we were crying about. That's just how it is in the Banks family.

     Prom night quickly arrived. I was so excited to wear the dress and be with my friends and everything, but what I was most excited about was dancing with Ron. I knew it would be perfect. But Just thinking about prom made me feel kinda sad inside, Knowing Ron was leaving In two weeks, and I wouldn't see him again until God knows when.

          Me, Rita, and Jane all got ready for prom together, standing in the bathroom we brushed our teeth and did each other's hair and other prep stuff to ensure we all looked as sexy as can be.

"So Mona, you excited for tonight?" Rita asked, reaching for the mascara on the sink.

"I'm excited, who's your date?" I asked her.

"Mine's this guy named Nicolas from P.E. He's nice, and I guess the fact that he's a 'good boy' is a good influence on me or whatever." She rolled her eyes and put on her mascara.

Jane looked at a Vogue magazine for a makeup reference, She had been quiet this whole time. "Who's your date gonna be Jane?" I asked her politely.

     She didn't answer for a second. Then she slowly replied, "Um..spencer.."And grinned awkwardly.

"WHAT?!?" Rita asked in shock.

Jane looked very awkward and uncomfortable and  said, "Surprise, we're dating hehe."  I pretty much figured they were dating already. Just the way they look at each other reminds me of how me and Ron look at each other, So needless to say it wasn't much of a surprise to me.

"That's awesome i'm so happy for you two! I just wish you two had told me sooner so I could tease you! By the way, does Janice know?" Rita asked.

"Well, not yet, but I guess she's gonna know by this evening when we leave for prom together." Jane giggled.

"Well, that's for sure," Rita replied, painfully ripping off her eyebrow wax.

"OW" She squealed, and then we all laughed.

We went down the stairs a little later, The boys came over, And Janice made us all pose for pictures. Me and Ron didn't get to talk much in all of the rush, but he still took the time in between taking the second picture to whisper in my ear, "You look like a Goddess tonight." I blushed and smiled at him, Sometimes his eyes were so beautiful they were hard to look at.

"Okay, Mom we need to get going! The prom dance starts at 7!" Rita exclaimed, holding the hand of her date.

"Okay, okay Just one more picture!" Janice shouted. Ron kissed me as the picture was taken, his hands around my waist, and my arms stretched around his neck. When the kiss ended We smiled at each other brightly.

"Okay, you kids can go now! If any of you get drunk please call a taxi or find somewhere to sleep, do not under any circumstances drive, and you can stay out as long as you want, I have no curfew for you tonight! Have fun!" Janice exclaimed, Waving us goodbye.

"Okay! love you, mom!" Spencer and Rita replied to her.

"Bye!" The rest of us said waving too.

When we arrived at prom we were greeted by a group of other couples, one of them being Hope, who came up to me, giving me a flier and saying, "So the after party is gonna be at my house this year, it's gonna be a lot better than the actual prom itself. Also, we're renting two huge Limos so you guys can ride in mine if you want since your V.I.P., Hope I'll see ya there!" And then she left.

"Did you get any of that Ron?" I asked laughing.

"The after-party is at her house and we can ride in her limo." He replied with a laugh.

"Okay, That makes more sense." I laughed again.

We got inside to the prom, Which was being held on the football field. Pretty clever. When It started to get dark, after dancing with Jane and Rita for a while, I asked Ron to slow dance with me.

"Well of course." He replied, spinning me around like a princess, and then kissing me. We danced to 'You're the Inspiration' by Chicago in that field, and though there were hundreds of kids surrounding us, it felt like it was just me and him. It was magical.

The prom ended around 9:30, and everyone started leaving for the after-party. I didn't wanna go. It was just gonna be a bunch of kids drinking.

As Rita and Jane were about to leave I pulled Ron to the side and said to him, "Hey Ron, I don't really wanna go to the after-party. Everyone's gonna be drinking and acting like wild animals, I just.. don't think it'll be fun."

"Well, that's fine! Do you want me to take you home?" He asked kindly.

I thought for a second and said, "No, Let's not go home, why don't we go up on the hill? The Moon is beautiful tonight, and so is the weather."

"Sounds amazing." He smiled.

         "Hey guys! you coming to the after party with us?" Jane asked us, holding Spencer's hand tightly with her head leaning against his neck.

"No, I think we're gonna sit this one out, But you guys have fun!" I replied, my head also against Ron's neck.

"Oh okay! well, you guys have fun too! see ya later tonight or tomorrow morning!" Spencer said to us, waving goodbye as they left for the after-party.

"Cya!" I smiled.

"Bye!" Jane and Rita waved, and I waved back.

"Now why don't we get out of here?" Ron smiled.

"I'd love that," I replied with a smirk.

We sat together on the hill, a blanket under us. The moon looked surreal, and the outlook of the hill was beautiful. Things were quiet for a minute, then He gently ran his hand down my arm and whispered to me, "Mona, Do you want to..."

"Yes, I want to...Did you bring protection?" I asked him in a whisper.

"Yeah, I did." He laughed, pulling a condom out of his suit pocket.

I slowly embraced myself in his arms, and we started passionately kissing. I reached to remove his coat, and he took his white shirt off, revealing his abs. Then we quickly stood up, he unbuttoned the back of my dress while kissing my neck and slipped it off. He took his pants off and sat back down on the picnic blanket. I removed my bra and he took off my underwear. He acted astonished seeing me naked.

"Your body is so beautiful, Mona." He smiled, Kissing me and running his hands up and down my hips.

"So is yours, I love you, Ron." I smiled.

"I love you, Mona." He replied, looking into my eyes sincerely.

We spent a long, amazing night together on that hill. A night that I'll never forget.

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