Chapter Twelve: Jasmine

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            I turn 17 on November 21st, The day before Thanksgiving this year. The Friday before my birthday I got a call on my cellphone while laying in bed. It was my friend Jasmine from North Carolina.

        I answered. I hadn't talked to her on the phone since I left for Georgia, And I was so excited to be talking to her. "Hello?" I said.

"Hey, girl! It's been forever since we talked! I just wanted to give you a call because I know your birthday is coming up! U exited?" She asked.

"Hell yeah! It does suck though, this is like my first birthday without you since I was like seven." I replied.

"Yeah it sucks, but I do have some exciting news!" she shouted from the other line.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Well, I'm going out of state this weekend, to a little town called Blue Rivers Georgia." She sassily said over the phone.

"WHAT??? SHUT UP YOUR KIDDING!!!!" I shouted.

"To hell I am! Already bought my bus ticket. Like I would miss my best friend's birthday!" She laughed.

"Oh my God this is so, so, so awesome! And, and you'll get to meet Jane! She's my new friend, oh and you'll get to meet Spencer and Tara and Hope and Ron and Janice and Derek and Little Jonny!" I shouted excitedly.

       I'm so excited, and I think you've emailed me about everyone but Ron, who's he?" She asked.

"Well, how about I tell you when I see you next!" I said.

"Okay, okay, okay." She replied. Then she said, "Well my mom's calling me out to dinner, I'll see you tomorrow morning at 12:pm babes!"

"You bet!" I replied.

That evening me and Jane were watching tv on the living room couch when Spencer stormed back inside from a night out looking bummed out, and almost like he had been crying. "Hey Spence is everything okay?" I asked him concerned.

"Hope dumped me for Chris Johnson, she said she didn't 'feel the sparks anymore' which everyone knows is just code for 'you aren't hot enough for me'." He said, slumping down on the couch next to me.

     "Wait, Chris Johnson? The pasty douchebag who dumps all the girls he dates after he gets them to go down on him?" Jane asked.

"The very one. The girls only fall for his game because he's a football player." Spencer replied, still slumped on the couch bummed out.

"That's disgusting," I said, making a sour expression.

      Jane put her hand on Spencer's shoulder empathetically and said to him, "I know this is the classic comfort speech, but If she can't see the beauty in someone's personality and not just in their looks, she's not worth it anyways. And besides, you're handsome, Just as handsome as Chris, and needless to say ten times nicer than him."

He hugged her and replied, "Thanks Jane, you always know just what to say." She simply blushed in return.

       The next day Me and Janice went to pick Jasmine up from the bus stop. We sat there waiting in the car for a minute, I had my feet up against the dashboard of the car while we were parked. "Are you excited?"Janice asked me sweetly.

"I'm so excited, It feels like it's been forever since I saw Jasmine," I said to her, my leg shaking on the dashboard from excitement.

     Then I saw Jasmine coming off of her bus and Bolted out of the car to greet her. Right away she saw me too and we ran into each other's arms tightly hugging. "Oh my God, I've missed you so much!!!" Jasmine exclaimed.

"Oh my God, I've missed you too! emailing each other isn't nearly as good as hugging!" I shouted to her. Then I started to pick up her suitcase and said, "Here I'll carry this for you."

"Thanks so much! Oh and guess what?" She said to me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"My mom said I can stay for all of the Thanksgiving break! Which is more than a week!" She shouted. "Oh, my gosh! That's awesome!" I exclaimed.

       We drove back home and asked Aunt Janice if I could show Jasmine around town. "Yes as long as you're home before 6:30. Thats dinner time." She replied.

        As me and Jasmine started our walk she asked, "So ur aunt just lets you out of the house without a huge bombard of questions?"

"Yeah! She trusts her kids, pretty epic right?" I replied.

"Super epic! My mom would never. Also, I'm so jealous that you have a flip phone! My cell phone is just a Nokia. She said to me.

"Well, a lot of kids our age don't even have cell phones, so we're lucky to have any phones," I replied.

"True, but I'm still jealous." She laughed.

      Then she changed the subject asking, "Anyways, Who's this Ron dude you've been not telling me about."

"Well, he's, kinda my boyfriend...." I replied slowly.

"HOLY SHIT! SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" She started jumping up and down and exclaimed, "You have a boyfriend and didn't tell me?!? Oh my freaking gosh this is crazy. How long have you two been together?"

"About a month and a half," I replied.

"Do you have any pictures of him?" She asked.

I reached into my wallet, taking the picture of the two of us I took with my Polaroid out, and said, "Here he is." I giggled.

"Oh my gosh, you're dating that hottie? that's so cool! what's his personality like?" She asked.

"Well he's really sweet and caring, He loves 'no doubt', 'green day', and the smashing pumpkins and he's extremely down to earth, way more than me. He's um, he's helped me through a couple of panic attacks I've had lately."  I replied.

"When did you start having panic attacks?" She asked, with a concerned look on her face.

"I started feeling these sudden feelings of doom after my mom died, I tried to ignore them, but one day I just, couldn't anymore. But don't worry because Ron was by my side the whole time." I said to her.

"I'm glad he was there for you, Ron seems like a really good guy." She smiled.

       That evening and Jasmine were hanging out in my room playing games, Jane was out at a party with Spencer. I honestly think there's a little something between those two, but that's just what I think. I honestly have no idea whether I'm right or not.

       While we were playing 'uno' She asked me, "So um, have you and Ron.. you know..."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know...have you two done it yet?" She asked.

"Oh, no we haven't, I think we're kinda waiting to see if we're sure we wanna do it, like 100% sure, before we do anything serious. But.. I had taken his shirt off while we were making out before." I replied.

"Damn girl! Does he have abs?"She asked mischievously.

"Ohhhh yeah, he has a rack of abs on him." I replied blushing

"Nice.." She replied shaking her head up and down and smiling.

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