Chapter Eight: The Outrage

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         I woke up the next morning to Rita standing over my bed psychotically screaming.

"What the hell is wrong with you Rita?" I shouted, trying to get her to stop.

"YOU FUCKED WITH MY MAN YOU BITCH." she screamed, pulling me off my bed by my hair. "YOU'RE GONNA REGRET THIS YOU SLUT!!!" She screamed from the top of her lounges, punching me in the face with all her might.

At first, I didn't fight back, just trying to get her to calm down.

She wreaked of strong alcohol and was stumbling, obviously very drunk. "Calm your ass down your drunk okay??" I shouted, pushing her forcefully against our door, not trying to hurt her, just trying to calm her down.

"I HATE YOU!!!" She creamed, pushing me out my door and into the hallway, and then she knocked me to the ground and dragged me by my hair down the stairs.

I tried with all my might to get her off of me but she didn't budge, she held onto my hair pulling me till she had me on the kitchen floor, I couldn't fight her anymore. I just let her hit me in the face repeatedly, and kick me in the stomach.

     "YOU BETRAYED ME!" She squealed.

"What did I do?" I begged her to answer, I was in tears, I had given up, I was like a tortured little animal begging for mercy.

"You stole Ron! you knew I loved him! You just took him because I wanted him, You act like your all traumatized and special and shit because your mom is dead, we all have shit going on, and, and then you stole Ron, I've hated you, and everything about you, since the day we met!" She shouted, she was crying, screaming, and punching the shit out of me.

      When Aunt Janice, Derek, and Tara got home, Right away noticed Rita pulling my hair and holding me to the ground beating me. "WHAT IN GOD'S NAME ARE YOU DOING RITA JAY??!" Janice asked in utter confusion.

"Please just get her off me, please!!" I begged in tears. It took both Tara and Janice to pull her off me. Tara And Derek held her down while Janice came to comfort me.

      "What happened between the two of you?" She asked concerned.

"She. She's been drinking, she told me not to tell you but I don't care anymore, she's been drinking and smoking and doing God knows what else, then She started hitting me when I woke up this morning."

Janice was shocked. "Rita?" She asked, almost as if she was trying to see if there was any of the other Rita left in there.

"I hate her! I want Mona to die! Get her away from me!" Rita shouted.

Janice took a deep breath and grabbed the phone, dialing a number. "Hello, 911, my daughter is out of control, she's drunk, we can't hold her down, please just send an officer down here.

    The cops arrived, and I was still completely shaken up from the situation. They took Rita into their custody, and Janice signed off for her to be sent to an intense rehabilitation and therapy facility.

    That evening I was covered in bruises, I had to go to the doctor and get 6 stitches, from her biting and just tearing my flesh with her nails. Both My eyes were purple and yellow, and I also had multiple bruises on both of my arms.

"Mona, I am so sorry about what happened, I knew Rita had an attitude, but I thought she was just a moody teenager. I never would've expected she could've been so violent."

Janice started to cry, and then said, "I'm ashamed of myself for allowing this to happen to you, I wanted you to come here and feel safe, and calm, but I've let this home become the very opposite, I'm so, so, so sorry baby." She hugged me tightly.

      "Aunt Janice, Living with you is the safest I've felt in a long time, you didn't do anything wrong, I should've told you about Rita's drinking problem sooner, but I'm okay now, you didn't do anything wrong, I promise," I replied to her with a faint smile beneath my bruised face.

"I love you like a daughter Mona, I want you to know that." She said to me.

"I replied, "I love you too, I love you very much."

That was the first time I ever told her that, and something about it felt right.

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