Chapter Sixteen: Ron's Secret

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        "Let's go all in," I said to Ron, straddling my legs around his waist on my bed, Making out like crazy.

"Let's do it." He replied.

"Oh My God.." I moaned.

"I love you so much." He said to me. Then I woke up, and for some reason, a smile flooded my face.

       At Lunch that day I decided to call Jasmine and tell her about my dream. "So um Jas, This is kinda embarrassing but I wanna tell someone about this..." I said.

"You can tell me anything, literally nothing bothers me." She laughed.

"Okay, so I had a dream last night, umm... me and Ron did um... you know..." I said awkwardly.

"WOAHH you two did the dirty in your dream?!? Tell me everything." She said excitedly.

"Okay so It started we were making out a lot in my bed, and I told him I wanted to go 'all the way' and he picked me up and we started to..get intimate. But the thing is I'm not sure if I want to do it yet, it's just Like I'm completely ready mentally, I trust him, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with him, But I don't know, I've never had sex before so I'm kinda nervous." I replied.

She took a moment to think and then she said, "Okay so, for starters, that dream sounds like, super hot. And second, is he a virgin?"

"Yeah, I'm his first girlfriend, well, besides one he had in 9th grade, but He said she was kinda creepy," I replied.

She thought again, and then she said, "Okay, so if you're ready, I think you should trust your gut. And if he's also a virgin, just know he feels the same way you do."

"Thanks for listening and giving me your advice! you're the Best Jasmine. Anyways lunch is ending so I gotta go. Talk to you later babes." I said to her quickly.

"OK, I'll talk to you later babes! Good luck!" She replied. I made a big decision, I was gonna ask Ron if he was ready.

That evening and Ron were in my room watching TV. We sat in my bed and I started to kiss him, to which he kissed me back. I sat on top of him facing him and we made out more. "Ron, I think I'm ready to do it, that is if you are, but, I want to share this with you," I said to him. He looked at me as if he was hurt. I was so confused.

"Mona, I just don't think this is a good idea, any other time I would, but.." He didn't talk after that.

He seemed off like something was going on. "Oh, okay, if you aren't ready that's fine, but um, Is something wrong Ron? You seem distant." I asked.

"I'm just, I'm tired. Lots going on back home." He replied.

I paused for a second and said, "It's probably my fault, I've ruined any chance I might have had of your parents liking me."

"No, this isn't your fault, And I frankly don't give a damn if my stupid ass parents like you, I love you to death, and nobody is gonna stop that." He replied, obviously pissed. Then he said, "I'm sorry Mona, but I gotta get going home, I need to settle something so that I can give me your full attention."

   He dropped me off back home and stormed off in his car. I was kinda of nervous, simply because I'd never seen Ron that way, he was sad and also angry. I assumed at his father.

The next day passed and I didn't hear from Ron. Which was very unusual cause he always called me around 7 clock in the evening if he didn't come over to my house. I called him and he didn't pick up, I was completely confused. "Hey Spencer, I'm going over to Ron's house. He isn't calling me back. Do you Have any idea what's up with him?" I asked.

"Uhh.. He didn't tell you?" He asked me nervously.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well...Mona don't be mad at me, but I think it's best if you have Ron tell you himself.." He replied.

I got to Ron's house a half hour later and knocked on the door. His mom Answered. "Oh, hi Mona, I...I want to personally apologize for my husband's unacceptable behavior." She said to me sweetly.

I smiled and replied, "There's no need, I can have a pretty nasty temper sometimes, And what I said to him in reply was uncalled for."

"Well, then you're a girl after my own heart. I got me a pretty fierce temper too." She smirked.

I laughed and asked her, "So Ron here?"

"Yeah, I... I think there's some stuff you two need to talk about.." She half-smiled apologetically. Ron get your butt down here Mona's at the door!" She shouted.

Was Ron breaking up with me? Did his dad die? Did he murder him?..No, no what am I thinking he'd never kill his dad that's crazy talk. WAIT, what if this is one of those crazy Romance movies where He turns out to be terminally ill of cancer or epilepsy or something?!? The thoughts racing through my head wouldn't stop pestering me.

Ron came out the door and said to me, "Mona, I owe you an apology, I shouldn't have ignored your calls yesterday, I just needed to cool down-" He saw his mom Watching us from the porch. "Why don't we go for a walk, where nobody can hear us."He asked, looking at his mom with a laugh.

"Sounds good to me."I laughed.

We decided to walk on the beach, at first everything was silent, and then Ron started to talk, "Mona, So I know I've been off, pretty much since that night on the hill. And I think I owe you an explanation." He took a deep breath.

"Ron.. just tell me, what's wrong?" I asked.

"This is the Hardest thing I've ever had to say.." His voice started to crack and his eyes filled with tears. "Mona, I'm moving to Africa on a mission trip."

"What. Moving? Like.. away?" I asked, completely shocked.

"No, not permanently that is. My stupid ass Dad is making me go, He won't let me stay, I've begged him, I've fought him, I've yelled at him, but I'm still a minor and he has all the control over me." He was in heavy tears.

"So when...When will you be back?" I tried to hold back tears.

"A year, Maybe the most." He sighed.

I didn't talk for a while. I couldn't find the words. We sat on that beach looking out at the sunset for at least 10 minutes without a word. "Are you gonna say anything?" He asked.

"Ron, I don't wanna lose you," I said to him.

"You aren't losing me." He said.

"How can you promise that?" I asked.

He thought for a moment, Then asked me, "Remember what I told you back when we first started dating?"

What thing?" I asked.

"I said, 'Even when people are gone, they're not gone. If you love someone, like, really love them, you can't get rid of it, love never dies."

"Ron... I love you, more than anything." I said.

"Then that feeling isn't going anywhere, It's gonna stay right here." He said to me, putting his hand on my heart. I smiled.

Later that night we cuddled on the couch tiredly. "When do you leave?" I asked, in a whispery, tired voice.

"Late September." He replied, also exhausted.

"Do you promise to hang out with me like..all summer?" I asked.

"Yes, every day, even if I'm busy, I'll take you with me and be busy with you." He laughed.

"promise?" I asked, My hand rubbing against his as we slowly fell asleep together on the couch.

"Promise" He replied.

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