Chapter Thirteen: 17th birthday

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The Morning of my birthday I was woken up by Jasmine, who shook me repeatedly and shouted, "Wake up it's your birthday!"

      "Ugh, what time is it...?" I asked, extremely out of it and tired.

"It's 11:am dummy! Wake up breakfast is waiting!" She exclaimed.

"Oh shit!" I shouted, getting out of bed quickly.

      We raced downstairs and I was greeted by the smell of pancakes. Janice hugged me, saying, "Happy birthday!" and gave me a card with 5 dollars.

      Everyone else gave me hugs and after breakfast, we watched a movie, Then Ron came over. Everyone was inside eating lunch and watching the movie when me and Ron went outside. "The autumn leaves are beautiful right?" He asked me.

"They're gorgeous," I replied.

He reached his hand out and grabbed mine. It's funny, every time he's ever held my hand, I feel the same rush I felt the first time he held my hand. I looked over at him smiling, he smiled back. Then he slowly leaned in to kiss me. It was passionate and sweet, lasting a little longer than 10 seconds, yet it felt like a lifetime. "I think I love you more every day," I said to him as we slowly pulled away from the kiss.

"Same here, every time I think there's no way I could love someone more, I kiss you again." He blushed, rubbing his thumb back and forth on the palm of my hand. I love when he does that.

"You're everything I've ever needed, what I never thought I needed, but now I can't imagine a life without you in it." He said.

      I was silent for a second and then replied, "You're taking all the good words." With a laugh.

He laughed and said to me, "It's true though, I can't imagine what it would be like without you."

"And I can't imagine a life without you Ron," I replied.

That evening Jane and Spencer asked if, Jasmine and Ron wanted to come to a party with them to celebrate my birthday. "Hell yeah!" I replied.

      Partying was fun, but drinking just wasn't my thing, so sometimes the parties would bore me. Jasmine was extremely excited about the idea, she was always a party animal.

      I rode in Ron's car with him and Jasmine, And Jane and Spencer drove in his.

       We pulled up at the party around 8:pm, it was even more crowded than the usual parties we go to. Jasmine ran right inside the house where the alcohol would be. Ron and I decided to hang out on the patio, It was still taking me a while to get used to the idea of going to random kids houses and partying. This kid's pool was huge, the patio was covered in string lights and lawn chairs, and Ron sat next to each other.

      "Wanna dance?" Ron asked me, extending his hand out to mine.

"Why of course good sir!" I replied with a giggle.

We danced around the lights, right next to the pool. "I love this, dancing with you tonight, the evening breeze. Everything feels perfect." I said to him, resting my head on his chest as we slowly danced to the song, "Nothing compares 2 u."

"Happy birthday Mona, I love you." He said to me in a whisper.

      A few minutes later I lost my footing, and fell into the pool, him falling in after me. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I said, laughing like crazy.

"Holy shit that was so fun!" He laughed.
      He tried to get out of the pool, but I just pulled him back in, getting him even wetter. "Well, we're wet already, we might as well stay in here for a while." He laughed.

"Sounds good," I replied, trying to blow all of the water out of my nose.

We got out of the pool, both of us soaking wet. "How are we gonna dry off?" I asked laughing.

"I think I have some towels in my car." He replied.

"Do you wanna get out of here? Maybe go for a ride after we dry off? I asked him.

"Yeah, sure! I'm just gonna call Spencer real quick and ask if he can take Jasmine home in his car if they leave early." He replied.

We had to walk through the house to get to where Ron parked his car, and I saw Jasmine, Obviously buzzed sitting on a couch with a guy. I asked her how it was going for her and if she was having fun, she replied with a thumbs up and gave me her, "Shoo, shoo!" Hand motion. So I went to the car with Ron and we toweled off, Then got in his car and went for a ride. We parked on a hill and sat next to each other in the backseat.

  "I can't believe I slipped in the pool." I laughed.

"By the way, Is your ankle okay babe?" He asked me sweetly.

"Yeah, yeah it's fine, I twist my ankles all the time," I replied.

"If I could, I would take all your pain and transfer it to myself." He smiled."

"You're so corny." I laughed, He laughed too. "But you're the sweetest kind of corny, and I love that about you," I replied.

       He smiled, We looked Into each other's eyes, and I kissed him, Or maybe he kissed me? I could never tell who kissed the other first. It just happens so naturally. We Had been in a heavy make-out session for about 15 minutes now, I guided his hand up my shirt, He looked at me in a questioning way, like he was asking me for consent to do so. I nodded and his hand went up my shirt. He took his shirt off and I took off mine. We continued to make out, and I stopped Him for a minute to talk. I said, "Ron, I'm, I'm sorry but I'm not ready for this yet. I thought I would be, but I'm just not comfortable yet."

"Oh my God yeah that's fine. I would never ask that of you." He replied.

"So um, basically, I would have sex with you before marriage, but, I want to know that you're willing to spend the rest of their life with me, like for real. Wow, Okay that sounded clingy and permanent sorry I.."

      He gently shushed me, and he got a soft expression on his face and said to me, "Mona, I'd go through hell and back for you, I'd walk a million miles. Of course, I'm willing to spend the rest of my life with you."

      "I love you," I said, burying my head in his chest.

"I love you so much." He replied, kissing my forehead.

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