Chapter Four: The Party

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       I woke up the next morning, I guess I must have cried myself to sleep. Aunt Janice was cooking breakfast, it was just her and Tara at the house.

"Well, good morning sugar." Aunt Janice said to me in her sweet southern accent.

"Good morning, where did everyone go?" I asked.

"Oh well, the kids left for school and Derek dropped Jonny off at preschool and went to work." She replied.

"Oh right, school. I should probably enlist to this new school soon." I said tiredly.

"You act as if school is like signing up for the military." Janice laughed.

I gave her a slight smirk and asked, "Hey, are there any libraries around here?"

She replied, "Why yes there is, I think Spencer and Rita told me they're going to hang out with some friends at the library tonight actually, you can go with them if you'd like."

"Okay thank you!" I replied, then headed up to my room.

     I started to get ready to head to the library, and as I was putting on my mascara I started to feel this sharp guilty pain, whenever I was having fun or about to have fun I started thinking of my mom, and then the guilt and pain overflowed. I would never cry in front of anyone besides my mom, so I haven't shared my mourning with anyone, I feel like I have to keep this to myself. I took a deep breath and continued to put on my mascara, trying to push her out of my mind. The more I pushed her away, the easier it was to ignore my pain.

When Rita and Spencer got home I was ready to go out. "what are you dressed so fancy for?" Rita asked me.

"Oh, I was um.. I was wondering if I could go to the library with you guys." I shyly asked.

"Yeah, sure! Ima just grab my jacket and I'm ready to go!" Spencer replied.

A few minutes later we were driving in his car and I saw the library. Confused, I asked, "Hey guys didn't we just pass the library?"

"Wait you seriously thought we were going to the library?" Rita asked.

"Oh umm, that's What Janice told me. So if we aren't going to the library, where are we going?" I asked them, Extremely confused.

"Oh so going to the library is kinda the lie we tell when we are going to a party, I didn't know you wanted to go to the library," Spencer replied, looking like he felt guilty.

I felt stupid for thinking they were going to the library. I shouldn't have, but I still did, I tried to play it off and replied, "Oh that's okay, I'm cool with going to a party."

     We got to the party around 6:p.m, and it was EXTREMELY packed. I've never been a big fan of crowds, and this didn't help my anxiety, but I decided to grin and bear it. About an hour in I was sitting on a couch in a semi-quiet area and this guy started hitting on me.

"Hey cuteness, I couldn't help but notice you sitting over here looking hot as shit." He said getting pretty close to me and making me feel uncomfortable.

"Um hi," I replied quickly, trying not to make eye contact.

"Come on cutie, wanna get out of here and do something fun?" He asked very creepily.

"No, sorry, I'm just not interested," I said as nicely as possible.

Then another dude with fluffy brown hair showed up. "Bro, what the hell? She doesn't wanna hook up with you. Just let it go." He said to the creepy guy trying to hit on me. "

Yo, I'm just talking to her I ain't doing shit." The creep said.

"Well, I don't think she wants to talk." The brown-haired guy replied. 

"Bro you haven't got a damn clue what she wants." the creep again replied, not letting it go.

The brown-haired guy took a deep sigh and asked me, "Do you wanna 'talk to' then hook up with this guy?"

"No, I keep telling him I'm not interested," I replied. 

The creepy dude scoffed and said "Screw this shit bro." getting up and leaving.

       "Thank you, I don't know how to get those creepy dudes off me, "I said to him.

"No problem, some guys just don't know when to stop. I know that guy from gym class, he's a major player," he replied.

I laughed and said to him, "Well that was very nice of you, I'm Mona, nice to meet you."

"Once again no problem, and I'm Ron, right back at you," he replied and shook my hand.

"Well I should get back to my friend, I kinda left him hanging." He said. "Okay see you later!" I replied.
        On the drive home, we listened to the radio and Spencer asked me if I had fun. "Yeah, I had fun! besides some creep hitting on me, but he left when another guy showed up and stopped him from hitting on me so it's all good." I replied.

"Damn Im sorry,  that was something I was gonna warn you about when starting school here, There are a lot of creeps whose moms didn't raise them right," Spencer stated.

"Yeah, I experienced that a lot at my other school too. Seems like it's just something with the public school system." I replied.

      When we got back home I was so tired I went straight to bed. I looked in my suitcase and saw a picture my mom had taken at a parade when I was little, I was done crying, the numbness set in, and now I don't feel anything, or maybe I'm trying not to. Either way, she's gone, nothing's gonna change that, I sat in bed with an empty mind, feeling like an emotionless robot.

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