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"Hey babe" Avi excitedly answers and instantly a smile lands on my lips "Someone's in a good mood"

"Remember the guy I saw the last night you worked here?" She says excitedly and I chuckle "Yeah the one with whom you got laid"

"He's awesome and we are kinda getting laid every night since" She blushes and my eyes widen "Avi you're blushing???"

"Um, no"

"Liar! You're fucking blushing!! Omg! What the hell happened to my avi?"

She laughs "Maybe she lost her heart to someone"

"Avi, are you fucking serious?"

"Priya I really like him, I mean he's so damn good"

Wow, it's the first time Avi is blushing and she confesses she likes someone. Then that guy is really very special for her.

"Avi I'm happy for you but also remember that I'm always here for you.."

"Aww pri, I love you"

"Love you too babe" I chuckle and she says "Now say, what's up with the call so early in the day"

That's when I realise what actually happened since the day I joined here.

I gulp and start telling her from scratch whatever happened between ram and me. She gasped at our encounters and at last when I said what I witnessed few minutes ago she went "WHAAAAT???"

"Yeah.." I feel the corner of my eyes burning "I'm not able to understand anything Avi"

"Heyy babe, why are you crying?" She gets worried and I compose myself "I don't know Avi but I'm feeling betrayed and hurt.."

"Pri the thing is, I know it's not only a huge crush but you somewhere always loved ram.."

"No Avi I.."

"You'll lie to me now babe?" She threatened and I sighed "I don't know exactly if it's love but yeah I do feel it maybe, I've always been crushing over him.."

"And now when he left you last night and right after fucking you he's making out with his wife the following morning whom he is supposed to be having no relationship with is.... Heartbreaking for you.."

"Avi, he made it clear that it's no strings attached and I agreed to it" I mumble.

"Then babe we can't blame him. You need to have your feelings in check or just completely stop doing this which is only going to hurt you"

"Why did he lie to me" I mumble crying and she sighs "Did you even hear what I just adviced you?"

"Yeah but he lied to me Avi" I mumble and she says "He didn't lie to you Priya, did he ever tell you that he doesn't make out with Ahana?"


"Exactly, he's just said that they are in an open relationship and are not a typical couple. So there's no way a rule or said that he doesn't have sex with her"

I wipe my cheeks "But it hurts Avi, it's hurting me and I'm not able to do anything about it"

"Babe, control your feelings. You need to keep in your head that you're nothing but a nanny to his kids and a timepass for him"

"Timepass?" I whispered under my breath as the word registers in my head.

"Yes Priya, he's clear on having nothing to do with you except sex"

"What shall I do? Continue whatever is going on or bail out?" I ask her and she puts it on me "Priya if you keep no expectations from his side, you can very well continue this and if not then please bail out and don't let your heart break"

"Thankyou Avi" I mumble and she says "Come on priya, now go and have some fun with the kids while I get to the cafe"

"Yeah bye" I smile as as I disconnect.

I feel my heart heavy. It's really very heartbreaking to see him making out with another person moreovrer when we had such a beautiful time last night.

I can't let my feelings come in between this short and sweet time. This is probably the only time I can have him close to me. If I bail out, I may lose him instantly for which I'm not ready. Gosh!

There's a knock on my door and I look up to find ram. Ram???

He comes in wearing just a vest and tracks. He smiles at me "Good morning baby"

The only thing which flashes back in my head is their make out. I want to know.

"Why didn't you tell me that Ahana and you make out even if you both are in an open relationship?" I ask straight forward.

"Did you just happen to..."

"I went to check on the kids and I heard noises..." I trail off and he sighs "Yeah we do make out"

I just give a nod and look away.

"Are you upset about it?" He asks stepping closer.

"Can I be frank with you?" I look at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

He quickly steps closer and cups my face "Hey were you crying?"

I keep my hands on his "I was just upset that after making out with me last night, here you're fucking her..... I mean... she's not even aware about what happened last night... i'm feeling so guilty and bad and..."

"Shh! I didn't want to, she was making moves and literally begged me to fuck her baby, all I wanted to do was wake up and come to you to make you see some stars early in the morning"

"Liar" I scoffed and he chuckles "Really"

"I don't believe you" I squint my eyes at him and he leans in whispering over my lips "I don't even look back at the same woman I fucked, but you're making me crave you... even while fucking Ahana all I was imagining is you under me"

My breathing went erratic and he traced his thumbpad over my lower lip before leaning in and capturing my lips. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck as he leans more towards me and palms my ass curves squeezing them hard making me moan into his mouth.

We kiss for don't know how long and break apart when I struggle for air. He whispers holding me still close to him "You're so fucking hot and beautiful"

I couldn't help but blush and trace my finger down his jaw "For your information, I don't fuck a man who's already fucking someone else.."

He raises his brow "Conditions hmm?"

"I'm a once in a lifetime opportunity Mr.Kapoor, if you can't treat me like that... you ain't worth it" I wink at him and he laughs "Gosh, you're fucking amazing"

I chuckle and kiss his cheek "Think and let me know"

With that I push him back gently and smirk at him before turning around and disappearing into the washroom.

I smile and blush remembering him saying that all he was doing was thinking about me and it hasn't happened before.

But yeah, I had to put it out to him that if he's going to play around with me even for sometime, I want that time to be only for me and not someone else, period. If no, then I don't want to invest into making memories with him.

About feelings, hmm.. I know he can never fall for me ever, so like avi said ~ no expectations no disappointments!!!

I'll keep myself in check if he says yes and I'll forever be glad that I atleast get to keep memories of him if not him🤍🥹


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