{3- Sgf2}

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The brunette girl woke up the next morning feeling this weird feeling in her chest. It's been a while since she's felt this way. She couldn't tell if it had to do with her anxiety or because it's been a while since the last time she's slept alone. Whatever the feeling was she could somewhat recognize it, it felt quite familiar. She laid there staring at the ceiling with a bored expression across her face. She laid on her back in the center of the bed. The teddy bear gifted to her by her brothers sat on her bedside table. She still had time to get ready which was something she wasn't worried about. She always made sure to wake up an hour and thirty minutes early. She remained quiet listening to the quiet noise of her apartment. Not even the noise of chatter in the halls or the cars honking outside could break her from her gaze. One thing Leah hated the most was quiet places. It always allowed her mind to wander off to places.. Dark places to be exact. Her eyes fluttered, staring at the white ceiling not moving a single muscle or bone in her body. She could hear her phone ringing off in the distance. It sounded muffled to her and she made no attempt to reach for it.

She wasn't sure how long she had laid there unmoving. Normally she woke up with a smile upon her face, she always looked at her phone. Responded to messages from the girls or fans on social media. She would tend to play a podcast pushing herself out of bed. Now that all seemed like too much work. Her head slowly turned to the side where Bada normally would sleep on. Nothing went on her head as she stared at the empty side. All she knew was her phone continued to ring on her bedside table.

It took Leah a while to finally push herself out of bed and that's only because she remembered Miyeon had been chosen to be a host aside with Daniel. Both of them would be the main host for Street Girl Fighter 2. She let out a small groan as she marched her way into the bathroom with little motivation. She really missed having her days off. She thought she would be able to rest more now that Swf2 was finally over but she was wrong. Instead they kept getting emails and calls of people wanting them on their shows/interviews. There were people from all over the world including Mexico where half of her family is from. It made her extremely happy that they were reaching out but due to their already set schedule it would be difficult to fly out for those interviews. Walking into the flower shop she greeted the owner who happened to be an older woman. She had fallen in love with flowers thanks to her late husband. He passed away two years ago right after she opened her flower shop. Nonetheless she remembers him through the flowers and always finds a sense of comfort being around them. Leah decided to buy her some pink flowers knowing she would appreciate them. The girls have always been humble and never cared what they were gifted.

They considered it as a blessing or somewhat of a compliment. Receiving gifts from their leader meant the world to them. The brunette girl had never understood why they cherished everything she's given them. They would always make sure to take care of whatever gift they received. Leah paid for the flowers thanking the older woman as she rushed out of the store. She got into her car driving to set knowing she was running a bit behind. When it came to her, she always somehow managed to be running late to places. When she arrived to set she was quickly shoved into a room and thrown onto a chair. Stylist already working on her makeup and hair. She couldn't even argue knowing they needed to do their job.

 She couldn't even argue knowing they needed to do their job

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