{24- Sdgf2 Final}

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The room had fallen in this peaceful silence, Leah sitting in her bed as she stared out the large windows showing the beautiful night sky

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The room had fallen in this peaceful silence, Leah sitting in her bed as she stared out the large windows showing the beautiful night sky. Bada sitting next to the bed as her eyes never left her. Her eyes would travel every once and a while to her shoulder in sadness mixed with guilt. She couldn't help but also blame herself for what had happened. If only she had listened to Lusher who warned her not to talk to him in private but how could she decline the offer? She wanted to face the harsh truth no matter how bad it hurt her. In the back of her mind she was still in denial that her ex-boyfriend had fallen that low as a person. She wanted to trust that little hope she had for him inside of her. It wasn't until she heard his lies, the amount of countless lies and made up stories he told her where she realized she had always been wrong about him. He wasn't the nice genuine guy she had met eleven years ago. The guy who had swore to always love her and never lie to her.

The biggest thing that gave it away to her is how he always tried to reach for her hand. It's something he did when they had been dating. Anytime he spoke about Leah he would reassure her in this weird way. At that time it was comforting, but now, it disgusted her knowing the things he had done to her girlfriend. Back then she wasn't her girlfriend but her best friend, someone she cared for and loved more than herself. She felt extremely betrayed, used and disappointed all at once. Leah took in a deep breath as she thought back to her brothers who had been comforting her. If they hadn't come she might have lost herself. There were times she felt like she was going insane but certain people brought her back to reality.

They made her feel grounded and it was okay to feel certain ways. It was four in the morning but both girls couldn't get any sleep. Nothing made them feel tired or sleepy in any way. "I.. I'm sorry, Moonie. Part of me didn't believe you when you told me everything. I was hoping that he wasn't that way because he never once missed treating me. I was holding onto memories of a guy who wasn't real. I'm truly so sorry, I shouldn't have gone to talk to me. All of this could have been avoided if I just kept my promise of staying away from him.."

Tears rolling down her face uncontrollably, she dropped her head into her hands as she cried. The guilt eating her alive as she sat there in silence not uttering a word. Leah looked at her girlfriend who blamed herself for all of this when it wasn't her fault at all. If anything the only one to blame here would be herself. She went on for years without telling a single soul of all the trauma she had experienced all alone. She reached over, placing a hand on the back of Bada's head, caressing her hair softly. "No, this isn't your fault at all. Howl has always been good at manipulating others. If anything this is more my fault for not saying anything back then. If I would have told you maybe that would have changed many things. We probably would be here blaming ourselves because of his actions." Tears formed in her green/blue eyes, she looked away from her staring out the window. Her hand was still caressing her hair as she let out a shaky breath. When Leah started to go through the plan she never imagined in a million years it would affect her friends and family. God, she didn't think that anyone cared for her. She thought if something did happen to her no one would share a single tear but after seeing everyone gathered outside waiting on news about her well being.

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