'Fish Sickness'

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I dream...

I dream of a large white hall of alabaster stone as the sweet scent of sea salt and tropical flowers fills the night air as this woman wearing white takes the both of my hands as she smiles, looking into my enchanting eyes.

I look upon her brilliant face as I know her from some place in time...I look at the metal broach hanging from her neck with three solid semi-circles and three hollow semi-circles with a glittering gem in the center, shining blue as she touches my face and smiles.


'Posida lies heavy under the foot of Arya! Was ever a mother as troubled as I? I, Lyn, mother of Adelyn. This troublesome heart, and now, you dream...you dream...

You dream moonlight's the way. Voices sing, the ocean waves.

Ask yourself: Who sings. Who sings? Come alas! Come alas...come alas I say! Ah...you dream, you deep dream...

You see a city, nearly dark. A child sleeps, the wolfdogs bark!

Ask yourself: Who sings. Who sings? Come alas! Come alas...come alas I say! Ah...you dream, you deep dream...

But this cannot be Posida. The temple's gone, the flesh and feet. And what is that within your sight? A crystal temple filled with light! A volcanic cone, a repulsive ring. Listen to a million voices swell...and they sing...they sing...

O Poseidónas mas voitháei -- O Poseidónas mas voitháei!'


As her voice silences, I feel animated as I am able to move and wonder if the song has any meaning to it. So many words I did not understand, like Posida and Arya...and symbology! The song was full of it.

I looked at her as I noticed that there were no children in this room...it was empty. I walked to the window to glimpse upon a dark city...the massive towers of crystal light have all gone dark.

I look back at the woman whom I can only assume was Lyn.

"What is this place?" I wonder as it feels like an ancient city built by the Gods...or Aliens!

Lyn comes over as she gently takes her hands and makes an odd movement as she touches my forehead and then my chest before sending me into a daze...and when I had awakened, I was now floating!

Long gone was the endless night...replaced with an eternal darkness. However, there was still light within that darkness, as bright as the midday sun! Look just beyond the light, and darkness returned upon the boundary.

Blue shimmering light bathed me, energizing my cells, and feeding me life. I looked up to see that I was suspended underwater...long gone were my legs, now replaced with a long delicate scaly blue tail with a lacy icy-blue caudal fin. My scales shimmered like the ocean, dancing in the light, gleaming. I wanted to scream, but only bubbles came out.

[What have you done to me!?] I cried out in my mind as Lyn came over and placed a finger upon my lips.

[Shh...for eons I have been waiting for one of my ancestors to return back home! And here you are!] as she runs her fingers down my arm until she touches the Atlantean device connected to my wrist.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now