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I watched as a ball of brilliant light flies just overhead, missing me by just inches as it hits a tree, causing it to explode.

'Why type of gun is that!' I panicked as I am now the last one now alive...they are not taking us to get help...they are rounding us up to be exterminated!

I used the trees for obstacles between me and my attackers as I aimed for the bait shop, seeing the water and pier, just beyond. I do not know how I managed to get beyond the range of their energy guns, but I made it nevertheless to the pier, aware that I was quickly running pier!

I have an intense feeling to drop to the deck just as a ball of light sails over me, impacting a lamp post and exploding it. My blue eyes looked down at the shimmering water below; I have decided that I have had enough of this duck-n-cover game.

I rolled over to the edge of the pier, squeezing under the last board and dropped about ten feet down into the murky river water below. I took shelter under the wooden pier as I heard the thud-thud-thud of heavy boots above.

'I can't stay here!' Instincts took over as I glanced over at a departing ship and decided to take my chances there. I dove under the brackish green water, and swam just above the debris laden river bottom, praying my breath holds out.

I reach the departing ship, grabbing onto the emergency side railing to hold onto. I glanced back towards the pier as I watched the soldiers searching the topside while three of the soldiers took the plunge to check under the pier. I was seriously glad that I wasn't there any longer!

'Just who are those guys!?' I wondered; they are not afraid to draw their guns in broad daylight and fire at a kid! In fact, I am certain that they had intended to kill me just like they had killed the others.

The boat I was holding onto begins to turn out of the cove and rapidly enters the main river channel as the current was swift, pushing me down the side of the vessel. Unable to hold on to the side any longer, I decided to swim for the main channel, avoiding the sandbar. I remained underwater for as long as I could tolerate, as I wanted to slip away unnoticed, not to become a sitting duck for an aspiring military sniper!

I was dragged by the current as I swam with all my might across the deep channel for the opposing shore. Entering calmer, murkier waters; I felt the bottom rise up as I sometimes swam through the current, and sometimes crawled through the muddy shallows. I just prayed that there were no crocs in this water...I am in Australia, after all!

I entered muddier waters, army crawling through the mud and muck! I took shelter under the dock of a helipad, glancing off to the south to see a boat ramp leading into the river.

Exhausted, I still swam with renewed vigor, swimming towards the deserted boat ramp, looking around to be certain that it was safe to leave the water.

Taking one last look upon the lonesome shore, the boat ramp and its parking lot were both vacant. A perfect place to make my second escape attempt -- and find my way back home. I swam to the ramp, my knees hitting the cement as I hauled my soiled body out of the abyss!

I could hear the sound of metal upon rails as a lonely tram car sped on by, I swiftly hid under the tresses of the bridge, smelling the sulfuric scent of motor oil! My ears picked up the sound of voices -- hundreds of people talking, laughing, crying, and shouting.

I crouched down, afraid that the soldiers might have found me, but instead, it was a surprise to find that the voices spoke both of joy and sorrow mixed as one. The sound of car engines reeving, and machines humming.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now