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Yuzuki's words fell upon the mermaids like a sour note as the idea of destroying the very thing that turned them into mermaids, almost twelve thousand years ago, seemed almost sacrilegious!

But there were some who could understand what Yuzuki was saying. If Atla gains control of Mizu, both Caol and the brotherhood will use its immense power to first cleanse every Walker on this earth, killing ninety percent of the population and turning the deserters of Atla back into fish-folk.

They could even use the satellite to hold the entire Empire of Atla hostage against its will, rooting out the supporters of the Atla-Ra, for once and for all. Entire kingdoms could be wiped off the map with just a wave of the hand as the satellite would be allowed to further the mutation of the ones metamorphosized by it, into something more fish than mammal.


"Even if we wanted to destroy the crystalline satellite," Lyra says, remembering the last time that Mizu was threatened by a merman "you need all three members of the council to work together. There are only two!"

A whispering fell upon the crowd as I swam with Mika, swimming over to Yuzuki who was protecting the newest mermaid to be transformed by the Fifth Phase. I so desperately wanted to befriend her, as we were both from the same phase.

Ever since I have lost what had made me human...I now cling onto the ones that I know best. Yuzuki smiles and welcomes me to join her.

"Nice to meet you." I say to the shy 13-year-old girl with the loveliest blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. "My name is Adelyn." I say as I offer her my hand...a simple Walker gesture. She smiles brightly as she shakes my hand, probably identifying me as once a Walker as no other full-fledge mermaid shakes hands.

"Your Adelyn? Dr. Ross and the others were telling me all about you!" she softly says "Sorry if staying in your room is uncalled for. I had no other place to go." Adelyn says, seeming to know of me.

"Dr. Ross told you about me?" I asked her, surprised to hear my name spoken from his lips: loose lips sink ships, as they say! The girl named Arista just smiled, nodding in confirmation.

"Said you were also affected by the same energy that I was affected by."

"Well, not exactly." I remarked. "I was changed by a genetic modification drug, and then finally transformed by the full moon Were you also affected by the electrical storm, young lady?" I wondered as she nodded her head, sadden. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"The world fell apart!" Arista told me "Thousands were changed by the storm, only a handful of us survived. The rest had turned into was nothing like I had ever seen before!"

"Water?" I remarked, recalling Dr. Denman's own demise -- I guess she was a prelude to what was yet to come. "How did you survive?"

"I was soaked in saltwater when the storm blew over. They say that saltwater and having a mermaid soul is what kept me alive."

"You are a very smart young girl. I am sorry that you had to endure so much!" I watched the conflict brew in the crowd as the mermaids were talking about a rogue mermaid called Aurora, and that she might give us a fighting chance against the Atlanteans.

"It is a simple fact!" Andrina exclaims as she addresses the crowd, gathering their attention.

In these last few days since the world has fallen apart, she has been guarding the hatchlings and island after the electrical storm had swept 600 miles in every direction.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now