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Dr. Ross, Mika, Nerissa, and Yuzuki all stood around me as the three mermaids were careful not to get wet. The overly saturated office of the late Dr. Denman was all that remains of the doctor's ambitions to become a mermaid, herself.

I remain paralyzed, sprawled out upon the floor as it feels like a war was being waged inside my body as the drug begins modifications to what remains of my human existence. Nerissa bends down to my level as she surveys the damage, looking at my bleeding arm and the IV prick.

"Did she do any anything to you?" Nerissa asks as I cry and nod, but exactly what it was, I do not know.

"She offered me an antidote...I was stupid to realize that it was another trick!" tears well in my eyes, but I cannot shed them. "Why can't I cry anymore!?" I pleaded as Nerissa glanced at Yuzuki, who looked worried as she peeped at the remains of Dr. Denman's possessions.

"She must have thought that if it worked for you, then it should have worked for her!" Yuzuki summarizes as Dr. Ross looks at the spent needles, reaching down. "Careful Mitch! You do not want to end up just like her!" Yuzuki warns as he nods, deciding to leave it alone.

I closed my eyes as the grief was consuming me as I lay there motionless. Yuzuki then looks at me, touching my face as I open my swollen eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, David. Linda knew the risks!"

I know it wasn't my fault. I did try to warn her, but if I had gone with Mika as I had first thought about doing, then Dr. Denman would be fired right now, be alive, and I would not be facing either transforming into water or into something more or less, mermaid.

Mika looks over at me as she wavers her hand over my skin, checking me over.

"Something isn't right...he isn't changing back?" Yuzuki then looked over at Dr. Ross, asking of him.

"Can you give us a moment to dry this place up?" as he nods and steps out as Nerissa and Yuzuki dry the room. Mika works at drying my scales, pushing even more heat as the scales were not reverting.

"Something is wrong clearly mom, mom!" Mika comments as Nerissa comes over as she too tries to dry me too...and soon the heat was unbearable as I was burning.

"Please stop...I can feel myself cooking under my scales!" I comment as Nerissa looks at Yuzuki for answers.

"Any ideas?" she asks as Yuzuki looks outside.

"One, but I do not think it will end well." as she looks down at me. "Your metamorphosis might be stalling because you need salt! We are born of the ocean; water gives us life, and magic gives us form." Yuzuki comments as she opens the door and brings Dr. Ross back in. "We have a problem."

"Smells like cooked salmon in here!" he jokes as he looked down at me, knowing that those were a bad choice of words.

"The injection that Dr. Denman gave, must be interfering with his ability to transform back into a human." Yuzuki summarized.

"So, what does he need?" Dr. Ross asks as Yuzuki looks down at me, calculating.

"Water...salt water to be exact! And something deep enough to be totally immersed within."

Nerissa looks at my scales starting to wither under the heat, turning to dust as I cough and cough, feeling incredibly dry.

"I'm so thirsty!" I plead as I looked at my scales turning to ash. "Oh my god! It is happening! I don't want to die!"

I panic as Nerissa and Yuzuki do not wait. They grab my arms and drag me out of the office, across the rough ground as I feel myself being rubbed raw...then I felt a new sensation...water.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now