The Hatchlings ~ Aftermath

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I looked back at Adelyn as she laid bleeding upon the marble floor with a Syreni woman attending to her. Whatever deal she has made had freed us from whatever fate that was bestowed upon us.

I could sense that something inside Adelyn had changed, she wasn't the Walker that had come to Australia, not the mermaid that was mutated by a mad doctor. Or even one of my own sisters. She was now an alien.

I, nor my sisters were connected to her any longer. She wasn't a Mizu mermaid, or even a Pacific mermaid...she was a full blood Syreni...and she knew it. When she ordered us to go, it was as if she was begging us to go...something was about to happen and she was afraid for our souls.

Just being here for around twelve hours has shown me a lifetime of enslavement. I could finally see where Atla had gotten its superior complex. When the guards had moved against Adelyn, their reactions were about the same as we had received; however, when they learned that Adelyn was one of them, they released us and treated her with respect.

The Aryan Brotherhood felt the same...they wanted a world of only full blood Atlanteans. And once more...they are fulfilling that goal with the crystalline satellite. Queen Galena had wondered just how dangerous the Crystal Cave could be...and now we know, but why do I feel that its origin ends here?

I do my best to tolerate what they have done to my neck. The surgeon sliced us all open, cutting into our necks as we were drugged. They then coated the cuts in this weird orange goop. I look at my tail and body and have found these weird surgical sites...what did they do to me? What did they do to us?

The high far, the nicest man that I have met on this forsaken planet...seemed overly concerned for Adelyn's care. He cared for her. Not like a doctor, but like a father...what did he know?

He does as Adelyn commands and takes my sisters and I deep into the ocean, to a rocky outcrop. He glances back at us as I hope that he plans to keep his word. He swims over to us, commenting.

[I am sorry you four had to endure all of were never meant to come here!] He activates the portal as it begins to spark and currents of energy begin to form. This looks eerily similar to the energy from the crystal cave. Soon the water begins to churn and then energy forms a portal with a different view. Please

[Please go...I am truly sorry for what you have endured and yet to endure. I promise that I will watch over her and be certain no harm will come to her. She is special.]

I send Jenna, Ariana and Arista through the portal as I looked back at the priest.

[You promise?] I remind him as he nods. [One more this place the origin of Atla? Or influence?] a question that could confirm my suspicions.

His tired, old eyes looked into my own eyes as he takes off his necklace, it contains a gem that I never have seen before. He hands it to me and points to the portal. I decided I better be going before I am trapped here forever.

Surging through the water, I emerged out of the portal, back in the warm tropical waters of the Coral Sea. I saw Aquata swimming frantically towards us as she took us in a whirl.

[You're alive!] She cries as she looks scared. [Hurry...we must hide!]

[What is going on?] I asked her as she had never looked this terrified before.

[Atla has just destroyed the island of Rapa Nui!] she cries out as the ocean tastes a massive storm has gone through, but what I am actually tasting is the remains of a terrible tsunami that has decimated so many lives around the whole Pacific rim.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now