The Syreni

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It would seem that all the survivors of the Gold Coast have descended upon Sea World's front gates, begging and asking...demanding for answers as those who were unfortunate to bathe have just experienced the greatest transformation in their lives. I

I looked out upon a sea of emotions as Dr. Ross was refusing to let anyone through until the crowd calmed down. I am happy with his decision...Sea World has more than just attractions here! We also have marine life: penguins, dolphins, seals, rays, fish, polar bears...not to mention the scary sharks!

I stood away, out of sight as I glanced over at Dr. Ross.

"I think addressing everyone at once might be for their benefit." I say as he nods, liking my idea.

"But I am not letting in this mob!" he said as I smiled, chuckling somewhat.

"There is no need to...the parking lot should be just fine." I said as he smiled.

"Oh...and one more thing!" Dr. Ross adds as he runs inside and comes back with a shirt, shorts and a ball cap. "If you are going to be out there, you ought to make it official!" he says with a grin.

"Thanks! I'll go change!" I took my leave as I headed to the lady's room and changed out of the clothes that I wore when I was rushed into the sea and changed back into my park uniform. I look all spiffy in navy blue, almost matches the pair of five blue scars upon my neck.

I came back as I walked over to Dr. Ross as the sun glimmers off the scaly patches on my legs. My golden blonde hair shines like gold in the hot Australian sun as I grin.

"Well, how do I look!?" I asked as he was speechless.

"Stunning." as we decided to use the side gate as opening any of these main gates would be a bad idea!

Outside, the crowd was still focused on the main gates, that they had failed to see us walk around them and into the parking lot. We stood against a parked van as Dr. Ross shouts to the growing crowd.

"May I have your attention please!" No one seems to notice us as he yells again "MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION!" Yet, once more no one pays any attention to him as the mob begs to see the staff for help.

I groaned as this disrespect was getting old. I decided to yell, but all that had come out was a horrific, ear-piercing screech that causes the crowd and even Dr. Ross to cover their ears in pain.

Slowly people turned around as I was not certain what had just happened...or how it had happened, but I smiled nevertheless as I turned the mob over to him.

"Thank you." He smiles over at me as the people gather around. "Ladies and gentlemen...I understand that you are scared and confused. Each one of us has endured a remarkable transfiguration."

"You call this remarkable!?" a woman yells, rolling up her pants leg, showing a few golden scales. "How am I supposed to work with these!?"

"Ma'am...unless you work at a water park or a water treatment facility, I think you will survive!" Dr. Ross comments as he gets back to setting the basis. "How many of you have lost loved ones, friends, people that you have known for ages!? I too have lost my own mother! We all are suffering and if we wish to make it through this dark hour, we need to support one another, not place the blame."

"What has happened, cannot be undone." I added, much to Dr. Ross' relief "All we can do as a people is to move on, adapt, and learn what went wrong with the last society. We have a chance to heal this world!"

"Why did this happen in the first place!?" a lady yells from the back. Dr. Ross glances back at me as he then addresses the crowd.

"For that question, I will ask my friend, Adelyn, to explain." Once more, it was my turn to cull the mob.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now