The Fifth Phase

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Since the energy pulse had erupted from the vent from Mizu had blasted me back into the form of David Forsyth.

I have just gone through sorrow, grief and pain all to realize that I had lost my mermaid form and my newly acquired powers...only to be standing here back at Sea World...talking with the dolphins! I am really messed up emotionally!

How could any of this get any worse, then it is?

Words that I would come to deeply regret!


" are you even talking!?" I asked, staring down at Nudge in disbelief "I am not a mermaid anymore!"

Soon, Howie and Raaf both joined Nudge in the shallows as they had heard the conversation going on. A sad story had spread across the park by its residents of the young mermaid who had lost his powers.

Even from here, I could hear the psychic bombardment of the seals pleading for me to hear them once more; as most mermaids cannot understand the seals whose language was perplexing.

Nudge and Howie both called for Raaf to speak on their behalf as they feared that I was slipping away, diving deeper into depression. Sea sickness can do miserable things to the mind: including an intense fever to return back to the sea -- and when a mermaid denies herself, a deep depression sets in.

[Why mermaid dry?] he asked as I smiled and felt choked up. It was nostalgic to hear him say that again!

"I can understand you again!" I cried, though tearless "Oh, Raaf...I am so happy that I can hear your voice again!"

[Why mermaid sad?] he then asked as the other dolphins listened.

"I lost my tail and my powers to the full moon early this morning, that is why I look like this." I told them, sniffling "Up until now, I thought I was only a human. I do not understand what is happening to me! Am I a mermaid again!?"

[Moon was enchanted...brighter than before...]

"The supermoon!" I commented, wondering if it had done something to 'turn off' my mermaid gene.

[Felt pulse of energy surge through water...intense magic...mermaid magic.] he says, probably referring to the electrical storm that erupted from the crystalline satellite. Raaf splashes about as I step back, just force of habit, I guess.

"If the energy was mermaid magic, then, what type of magic was it?" I wondered as I have heard about this 'Fifth Phase' but did not really know what it was. Whatever the cause might be, it didn't seem to affect the other mermaids.

Raaf gives a warning that seems to make sense.

[Energy do not take away permanently, energy was meant for other dry mermaids...]

'Other 'dry mermaids?'' I wondered, wondering what he meant by this. I paused to think about what he said as he then added...

[ bring fish?]

"Sorry Raaf," I giggled, shaking my head "I'll let Chris know that you are hungry when he comes around! And Raaf! Thank you very much!"

[Welcome...see 'other' friend! Now!] Raaf ordered me as he had told Stella and Selkie that I had lost my connection to the sea.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now