A New World

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Standing on the side of Mango Street, in the city of Dolphin Heads...I feel the warm sun rising in the eastern sky.

I felt broken, lost as I could not believe that I had lost my tail! I am no longer a mermaid. I had saved the pod; I had saved Mizu; and my sisters...but the cost was my life...the life I made as a mermaid.

I was a mermaid for no longer than five days, and I lost it all! I try to spin a positive around this: 'Hey, now I can get wet without having to play beat the clock! Or listen to the terrible jokes that dolphins and seals tell!' No, I was a regular boring Walker. And that is what I don't understand.

The computer told me that I was going to die...so...why am I alive? Or...am I actually dead and this is all but a simulation in the computer's mainframe? This certainly felt real. I can only assume that the computer meant the death of the mermaid that I had become. How strange is it to put off a metamorphosis only to want it all over again!

"I like to thank you for taking me into your home that day I came snooping around!" I tell Aurora as she smiles and passes the time.

"You certainly gave me a fright with that Atlantean tech..." as she looks at my wrist and sees that it was back "...how did it?" she begins.

"Apparently Atlantean tech cannot be fully destroyed, only changed." I then pulled out the necklace that Queen Rina had given me.

"That's Atlantean too!" Aurora says as I nod.

"Turns out that all mermaids are Atlantean...that was why Mira never placed the final crystal into the satellite...she could not distinguish between a good Atlantean and a bad Atlantean." as I allow the blue sapphire to shine in the morning sun. "But it seems that I found the answer. to save our sisters." as I closed my eyes and felt the morning sun. "I will miss the deep water!"

"So, what are you going to do when we get back to Gold Coast?" Aurora asks as I was already thinking ahead.

"Might go and see if Dr. Ross still needs someone in rehab. Now that water does not affect me, I can work with Stella and Selkie; I do miss them! He said that he would help me with my citizenship if I was ever interested in applying. And since David Forsyth no longer exists, I guess I am free to start over."

"You can always work at Mermaid Waters; we could always use a Walker informant. Plus, there is a change that the council might call on you to represent us on land." she offers as I smile, liking that I have many different paths.

"Mermaid Waters would be a pathway to citizenship. Plus, I'd be able to help my sisters. I will definitely consider it, Aurora!" I then offered a third path "However, there is also a part of me that thinks about just moving on to different waters."

"Well, do not stray too far from the sea! She always has a way of calling you back home!" I smiled.

"I don't fancy drowning!" I giggled as I was cut off with the whine of tires, the bus had finally arrived. Aurora pays our fare as we board the bus.

The journey was long as we sailed through endless farmlands, passing cities that sprung up around the rivers: clinging on for life. The journey took almost 9 hours of sleeping as we arrived at Brisbane and changed buses to head to Gold Coast.

With my destination only hours away, I looked outside as I noticed that, for a busy city, not many people were out and about. Dropped off at Gold Coast, between Broadwater and Surfers Paradise. I give Aurora one last hug.

"Thank you so much, Mrs. Orora!"

"Please, just call me Aurora...we will always miss you, Miss Forsyth." Aurora says as I smile. It deeply touches my heart that she still considers me a part of the pod, but I must let that go and move on with the new life that the crystal satellite has bestowed upon me.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 3 - The Fifth Phase 'Metamorphosis' (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now