Chapter 1

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Friends? There are no friends. People have illusions about how they have best fiends. How there are always people for them. But friends always do mistakes. They stab you, they betrayal you, they leave you. Lies, maybe for good or for bad, but there are always some lies, even the smallest. Because friends are humans too. They have feelings, they have bad sides, they think of themselves, they have needs and are usually bribed by an allurement. Because they are sinners. Don't give your whole trust on them, some things are better to stay in your and your head forever. Because the betrayal always comes from a friend, but not from an enemy.


I was doing my homework like every normal day, expect for that it wasn't normal, neither a day to me. It was like the time has been stopped and I'm trapped in it, in its memories. In my head was chaos. Thoughts, dark and sad, mixed with the happenings this day.
Finally I decided to give up and just not care. Whatever people say, they can't make me who I'm not. Neither hurt me with saying I'm disgusting and should not live. I'm above things like these. The only thing I'm scared, angry and confused is the betrayal. From Edward? From my best friend. Why did he do that? My head hurts too much to find an answer, but whatever is it I know that I won't forgive him. Not after this. No, it's too much.

Now I'm lying in my bed, thinking about tomorrow. What is going to be? In school? Hell for sure. Because of him and my naivety. I will talk with him tomorrow. Now I need sleep, where I could feel peace, even for so little. 

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