Chapter 5

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Eren's Pov

Only four days. Four days till my graduation and this whole adventure ends. It wasn't bad. No I had my best moments in school. With friends and classmates, even teachers. I still remember almost every my or someone's else troubles.

From first grade, how one of the girls was playing with a ball in the classroom, though we warned her not to. But she continue to throw the ball up and then, she broke the lamp and it felt right on my desk.

Or in fourth grade, we were on a trip and a boy of our class was playing with a bouncy ball and saw a really annoying fly and it was on a lamp, so he throw the ball at it and broke the lamp. Later on that day he fell into the swimming pool, breaking his jaw.

I remember our adventures in seventh grade. How we saw the girls naked in their rooms. How they were screaming, because there were cockroaches in their bathrooms and we needed to kill them... With slippers. You can imagine what kind of battle it was. I remember how I fell from my first tree. The big ass tree. I was already on the top of it, finally happy I got there, but then I saw a nest with little birds on it and I just wanted to look closer, but their mother didn't think so. She started to nibble me and then the branch let a broken sound and I felt. Four days I was in hospital.

Ha, so many years have passed and I still remember all of it. Well, the best moments. And when I think that after four days, everything is going to end, how can't I be sad? But now I'm growing up. After graduating I need to find work. But before that I will study four more years to become my dreamt doctor. Yeah, I'm following my dad. I think he would be proud of me. My mom too. She's all I have left. I will make her proud of me.

Now I'm in the classroom with still throbbing head from yesterday. I remember only drinking and how I got home, so I don't think I've had.. Too much fun. Hopefully.

Mrs Trindafilova, I don't know why her last name is like that, is writing something on the board. Something important? Hm.

" Now class. This year is almost over and since is your last year, with your classmates and friends, the school is organising a trip during summer to Greece. It will be almost two months. From third July to twenty - eighth August. It's recommended for you to come, because it will be your last days with the class and it will be a lot of fun. We promise. So, how many people want to come? " she asked and immediately there were a few hands in the air. I thought why not. I don't really have anything to do in the summer and plus it will be fun. I'm sure my friends are coming too. I saw Sasha and Connie lifting their hands. So I had my hand raised as well.

" Good, let me see. " she started counting us. " Fifteen from here. And sixteen from the others, thirty - one. That's great! " she wrote something on her notebook and turned to face us" I will give you tomorrow your declarations to fill and list with all the information about the place, the prize, what to wear, though I think your grown up enough to know and other details. " she was just letting her last words, until the bell rang and we all left the room quickly.

A trip, two months to Greece. That's not bad. I will ask Armin if he wants to be in a room with me and Connie. Well, if he is going, but he is every year. And of course.. If they don't put us in a room with a random person. I hope they don't.

Enemies (Ereri /Riren)Where stories live. Discover now