Chapter 3

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I gathered all of the anger towards him and ran fast to him, who has his back on me and turned him around roughly. I made an eye contact for a second and then slapped him that hard, he needed to lean over the chair to not fall. He immediately grabbed his cheek and looked at me, shocked and scared. I'm grateful he has no glasses on. Before he could say or do whatever he wanted, I spoke up with confidence and danger in my voice.

" Listen here, bitch. I don't know why you have done this and I don't care. I don't want to listen to your shitty excuses. Now hear me, I don't want you to contact me, to text me, to speak to me, to watch me. Everything is over, shithead. And don't you dare get near my friends, they are not your problem anymore. Forget about us. You are no one to me and I'm no one to you. Am I clear, fucker? Now you can bring all your shit and showed it up your ass, where the sun doesn't shine or especially where it come from. Motherfucker. " I quickly left the room without glaring behind. I felt so good, like a stone just fell from my heart. Now I need to tell my friends. I don't know how will they react. Will they be still my friends? Probably. I hope so.

As I was enthusiastically running down the stairs to find them, the trio passed me. They glared at me, one of them smiled to their ears, the other, expressionless, but with soft eyes and the third, deadly looking at me. Who is the trio? That's Rivaille, Hanji Zoe and Erwin Smith. The two best friends of Levi. Hanji and Erwin are actually nice and kind, something the shorty definitely isn't. I didn't saw them yesterday, but how could I. I will introduce his group. Shorty is either with them or his group, but I don't often see them all together. Maybe it's because they don't really like each other. Or maybe something else, but it's not my problem anyway.

When I caught with my friends, who were walking around the school yard, Armin asked:

" Did you find Edward?
" Yes. And I had a... Serious conservation with him. Look guys, I will tell you the truth. He was the one, that told the school I'm gay. I've told him, two nights ago and I've seen him, talking with Jean.. With Jean, the horse jerk and they were giggling and then.. Those posters. It was him. I.. I can't forgive him. Not after that and I told him, that I'm not his friend anymore, but if you guys want to be with him I.... I won't stop you, but I will need to go, because I don't want to talk with him and be with next to each other. I'm sorry. It's your decision anyway. " I said and by now we've all have stopped walking.

" Thank God, finally. Uh. You finally realised what a cunt he is. " were Ymir words with a grateful look placed on her face. I was confused. They wanted him out. They didn't like him?

" Um, Eren. The thing was that all of us has seen the real Edward. He was an idiot. He's always looked up for you only for his need. He never was a good friend. And we weren't saying anything, because you were friends and we didn't want to tear you apart, because you would be upset. I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier. " Armin said and looked down. Now that I think of our friendship, it's true. I was also the one helping him, always the one standing in from of him to protect him and always get the fists in my face, but not him. He wasn't a friend and I'm realizing this now? What an idiot I've been. But I'm still sad. We had our good moments together, that I will never forget. And it's all in the past now.

" Yeah, that's true. And, uh, that little shit needs to pay. I swear I will kick his poor arse. " Ymir was on fire again. I smiled at her.

" No need for that. I've already done what was necessary. Don't worry. Just forget about him. " I said calmy and we continue to walk, laughing at Connie's story about how he lost his boxers in the girls dressing room.

Maybe it's all for good. I mean, I haven't lost, not just the opposite, I won. I removed one jerk from my life and threw away a stone, that was suffocating me all my life. Let's hope this year will be over successfully.

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