Chapter 18

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"What was that sound?" Armin looked around frantically, because of the scream that just shook the whole hotel.. And my sanity.

"This, my best friend, was the sound of victory over Ms I'm faker than my eyebrows and my boyfriend isn't my boyfriend, but he's the biggest asshole ever." I said in a high pitched voice, imitating with hand gestures the Barby bitch (a.k.a The Nasty Plague).

Armin opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but nothing came as he stared at me with a bored expression.

"You know she's going to kill the living daylights out of you, right?" His lips formed a thin line.

I raised my eyebrows. "And I'm going to kill her beautiful self. Oh shit, too bad it never existed. Forgery defended China of ever having anything to do with her."

"That was so lame, my grandma felt awkward."
Armin gave me one more bored face before moving his legs away from me.

"But, wait. Your grandma is dead." I said in matter of fact.
"Yeah, she called me from heaven. And said she'd kick your ass if you ever get near  the doors when you die. Which will be pretty soon."

I made a confused face, followed by a small grunt. "That was lame."

"Like you."
He replied without turning back or glancing at me, leaving me with no other choice, but to follow him. It wasn't willingly anymore the moment I noticed where we were heading to.

"Oi, idiot. Watch out!"
Shorty called as soon as he looked up to see us coming and as soon as the words left his stupid mouth, I felt something hard hitting my head, making me stumble forwards and my face kissing the grass. How romantic.

I heard laughter and a small apology being said to me. Apparently, a ball has hit my head. I'm not even surprised anymore. These clumsy kids.

"Oi, brat. Stop making out with the grass and get your ass here." ShortDick commanded and as much as I hated him and was ready to do just the opposite, I swiftly lifted myself off the ground and walked to the big group of teenagers.

Impossible, right? My group of friends and his were talking and even as much as laughing together. When did any of that happen?

"Oi, why are you looking at me like that."
Levi was referring to my strange expression. Something between disgust and anger.

"Because I'm looking at your face and it makes me wanna puke."
That wasn't really the reason. It was more likely because I was covered in dirt and my head was killing me. I could literally feel my brain vibrating from the hit like a vibrator.

Levi was sitting on bench, while my and his friends were talking next to us, but they didn't seem to notice us or didn't want to.

"You know what else can make you puke? My foot, kicking you right on the stomach." His voice was calm and I took a notice in the small smug smirk, that was forming on his lips. Bastard.

"Oh reeeaally? Well, it might have worked if your kicks weren't worst than a girl's." I said it in his face and moved closed to the bench the asshole was sitting on.

"Move." I ordered sharply, waiting for him to make a seat for my own ass, but gritted my teeth when he didn't move an inch.

"And who are you to tell me, brat? Last time I checked, it was me who was giving orders." He whispered the last sentence slowly as he looked me directly in the eyes. I couldn't help it, I really couldn't, but I bit my bottom lip hard as I felt my cheeks starting to burn. He was talking about last night and I knew that he was going to tease me about it.

"Shut the fuck up, Shorty." Why did my voice sound so shaky and flustered?
Suddenly I was hit by a hot wave as the asshole got closer to my blushing face. His eyes were shinning ever so slightly, but I could see it in them.

"And what are you going to do if I don't, brat?"
Yeah, I could definitely see it.

I clenched my fist and quite literally growled at his amused, challenging face.

I tackled him on the ground,  grabbing both his hand in my right one and trying to hit his face, but the short bastard was good. Better then me, when he wanted.

"Ohh, go Eren. Show him."
"Yeah, Levi. Punch him."
"Awwwww I can't, they are so cuutee."
"Stop, Eren."

Well.. In the end..  I was sitting on the bench with a bloody nose and a tissue in it and Levi was right next to me. So next to me that our shoulders were brushing and at the beginning we'd flinch, but now we were used to the contact and even got closer to each other. Why? I have no actual idea. And I'd never admit, but it was comforting. And fun. Because he was throwing me dirty glares and was murmuring threatening words to me as he was cleaning his injures. Was I proud of what I did. Hell yeah I was.

But my pleased grin that was spread across my covered in dirt face quickly vanished when she came.

Jesus, please pour me some holy water, so I can wash my eyes off this nasty sight in front of me.

What the hell was she wearing? Are those.. Suspenders? Well, she'd probably wanted to lure Levi in her room and play with him, but after so much waiting she was willing to do it here.. In front of us all.

Ew, ew, I prefer seeing Armin's grandma in these things than her. She was that ugly to me to look at. I even offended Armin's grandma..

"Levii~" She cooed, trying to sound sexy as her body moved to the bench where me and Levi were sitting.

"Ugh, no." I heard him murmur to himself and for a brief second I pitied Shorty.

But it was soon replaced by something else as Marilyn, the bitch, sat in Levi's lap and erotically rubbed her ass onto him. I gulped the angry pressure in me.

"How about we get in my room for little fun, hm?" I heard her whisper in Levi's ear.
"And how about we stay here with the others and you get off my lap, hm." He answered as he looked at her in annoyance.

Then she leaned very close to his face and whispered something in his ear again, but this time I couldn't hear it. But as she said it to me, he looked more angry than ever. I didn't know one bit why, but I assumed that The Nasty Plague was acting like the bitch she is and made him angry.

I was so deeply in thoughts that I didn't even notice when the two stood up and disappeared around the corner. No doubt that they were going to Marilyn's hotel room.

But not before Levi turned to look at me. And I was so mad at myself that I couldn't recognize the look he was giving me. Was it a "Help me, brat" look or "I hate this bitch" look or..  "I'm going to have the best time of my life with my girlfriend" look.

I didn't know that, but what I knew was...

It was jealousy. The thing that had replaced the pity feeling in my stomach for Levi was jealousy.

I clenched my jaw. And that was the first time I've said something so strange and even scary.

Levi was mine. And mine alone.

I apology for the awfully short and bad written chapter. I was rushing to write just anything, because I haven't updated in forever.

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